Get a VoIP Call, text, and a DropBox list every time it sunsets


This applet will allow you to have a call and text every night with a summary of the day, as well as each day being added to a DropBox text file.


Weather Underground icon

This Trigger fires within 15 minutes of the sunset in your location.


VoIP Calls icon
Call my device

This action will call your device with the IFTTT app installed and speak a message provided by your Applet.


Notifications icon
Send a notification from the IFTTT app

This action will send a notification to your devices from the IFTTT app.


Dropbox icon
Append to a text file

This Action will append to a text file as determined by the file name and folder path you specify. Once a file’s size reaches 2MB a new file will be created.

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Discover more time saving integrations for Dropbox and VoIP Calls