WeMo Insight Switch Switched on. Google Sheets Add row to spreadsheet.

WeMo Insight switch on, add a row to a Google sheet


Choose same sheet and all events will be logged there. Default is "IFTTT/Wemo/Insight Activity." Rows added with 8 columns. A: Insight switch name. B: Event, "On". C: Wemo "at" time as a string. D: Wemo "at" time turned into a Sheet date/time number. E: IFTTT "applet ran at" time as string. F: IFTTT "applet ran at" time as Sheet date/time number. G: IFTTT "triggered at" time as string. H: IFTTT "triggered at" time as Sheet date/time number. Wemo time has no secs, IFTTT times do.