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GO and Strava resources

IFTTT Earth Day Hackathon

IFTTT Earth Day Hackathon

We created an internal Earth Day Hackathon to inspire our team and help the IFTTT community see the endless possibilities available with the services available on IFTTT. Check out the IFTTT Team's Earth Day Applets and enable one (or...

Automations for healthy habits 2024

Automations for healthy habits 2024

IFTTT can help you eat healthier, meet your workout goals, track your sleep, and more. Through our integrations with 650+ services and devices, there are countless opportunities to create new healthy habits that fit into your life. We...

Automate New Year’s resolutions

Automate New Year’s resolutions

Most New Year’s resolutions fail by mid-January, after our first few weeks of trying to create new habits and completing tasks with gusto, we lose steam and life catches up. Strava data has demonstrated that there is a dramatic drop that...

Growing a money tree with automated saving

Growing a money tree with automated saving

Growing a money tree with automated saving with IFTTT

5 best habit tracker apps for self improvement

5 best habit tracker apps for self improvement

Looking to start habit tracking? Learn more about it and discover the benefits of habit tracking. IFTTT is here with the best habit tracker apps. Make the most of these helpful apps but automating them with IFTTT

Get moving with Fitbit

Get moving with Fitbit

Connecting Fitbit to the other apps and devices you use, like your smart scale, savings account, or voice assistant can provide a boost of additional motivation. The data from these connections can be used to inform your exercise regimen...

Our team's favorite automations

Our team's favorite automations

Behind the scenes here at IFTTT, we use Applets to automate daily tasks on personal and professional levels. From custom messaging notifications and team reminders to turning a light on to notify family members when someone is in a...

Automate for Earth Day 2024

Automate for Earth Day 2024

Happy Earth Day 2021. We’re excited to share videos of the best Earth Day Applets from across the IFTTT community. They were submitted to the IFTTT Earth Day Challenge, our Earth Day Hackathon, and from our community team.

How to see your Strava Year in Sport 2023

How to see your Strava Year in Sport 2023

Strava year in sport comes out at the end of December. Click to learn how to see your Strava Year in Sport for 2022!

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together