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Run a KumoApp

This Action will start a KumoApp installed under the current user account. If the KumoApp is running, nothing will happen. If a KumoApp does not register any event handler or timer, it will automatically stop after executing the first time, allowing this action to run multiple times without user intervention.

About this action

Triggers, queries, and actions are the building blocks of Applets. Triggers tell an Applet to start, queries ask a question, and actions are its end result.

Developer info

This Action will start a KumoApp installed under the current user account. If the KumoApp is running, nothing will happen. If a KumoApp does not register any event handler or timer, it will automatically stop after executing the first time, allowing this action to run multiple times without user intervention.
API endpoint slug
Filter code method
Wirelesstag.runapp.skip(string?: reason)
Runtime method
runAction("wirelesstag.runapp", {})

Action fields

Appid Dropdown list

KumoApp to run
Helper text
specify installed KumoApp
Can have default value