YouTube To Everywhere Explosion


This lets you post your youtube video to tons of social networks and a wordpress site all by simply uploading a video to your youtube channel. Created by Ty Morrison


YouTube icon
New public video uploaded by you

This Trigger fires every time you upload a new public video to YouTube.


Pinterest icon
Add Pin to board

This Action will add a new Pin to one of your boards.


Buffer icon
Add to Buffer

This Action will add a post to Buffer. If your Buffer is full then the post will be skipped.


Twitter icon
Post a tweet

This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account. NOTE: Please adhere to Twitter’s Rules and Terms of Service.


WordPress icon
Create a post

This Action will create a normal post on your WordPress blog.


Tumblr (legacy) icon
Create a video post

This Action will create a video post on your Tumblr blog from the given URL to a YouTube video, a Vimeo video, a URL to a video file, or an embed code.


Reddit icon
Submit a new link

This Action will submit a new link on reddit. NOTE: reddit karma is required.

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