Turn on lights and Insight lamps when gloomy


Turns on group of lights and Wemo Insight plugs when weather is cloudy but only during the daytime between 8am and 6pm.


Weather Underground icon
Current condition changes to

This Trigger monitors changes in the current weather condition. When one of those conditions is met the Trigger fires. Currently only these simple conditions are supported: Rain, Snow, Cloudy, Clear.


Filter code


WeMo Insight Switch icon
Turn on

This Action will turn a WeMo Insight Switch on. If the WeMo Insight Switch is already on, it will remain on.


WeMo Lighting icon
Turn on a group of lights

Turns on the selected group of WeMo lights. If the group is already on it will remain on.


WeMo Lighting icon
Dim a group of lights

Changes the brightness level of the selected group of WeMo lights. If the group is off it will turn on with selected brightness level.


WeMo Smart Plug icon
Turn on

This Action will turn a WeMo Switch on. If the WeMo Switch is already on, it will remain on.

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