Geofence - Return Home Mode


Quick and easy geofence recipe! This recipe is designed to set your thermostat to HOME mode BEFORE you get home. Especially great if you program your thermostat temps to something higher/colder when AWAY. This allows the house to start cooling/warming up before you get home. * First put in your address then select how big you want the zone to be. This triggers the action when you CROSS INTO the zone barrier ONLY [ie: coming home]. * Next select your THERMOSTAT NAME! [Upstairs/Downstair...


Location icon
You enter an area

This Trigger fires every time you enter an area you specify.


ecobee icon
Set thermostat comfort profile until next transition

This Action will set the thermostat into a hold using the settings from the specified comfort profile. This comfort profile hold will remain in effect until the next next comfort profile transition in the program.

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