Daily Journal (Email)


This is an applet that can save your thought in Evernote and in Google Calendar by sending an email to IFTTT. You also receive a notification with the message's subject what you intend to save.


Email icon
Send IFTTT any email

Send IFTTT any email at trigger@applet.ifttt.com and this Trigger fires. You can optionally add a single file attachment and IFTTT will create a public URL to the file as an Ingredient. This trigger will reject emails with attachments over 30MB.


Notifications icon
Send a rich notification from the IFTTT app

This action will send a rich notification to your devices from the IFTTT app. Rich notifications may include a title, image, and link that opens in a browser or installed app.


Google Calendar icon
Create a detailed event

This action will create a detailed event in your Google Calendar.


Evernote icon
Create a note

This Action will create a new note in the notebook you specify.

Fewer details

Explore more great ways to automate Email and Google Calendar