Get a notification when the International Space Station passes over your house
Popular Notifications workflows & automations
Rain today? Don't forget an umbrella
Get the weather forecast every day at 7:00 AM
Get a notification every time an astronaut enters space
Before go to sleep, get the weather for the next day!
Rain tomorrow? Get a mobile notification
Get a notification reminder to put on sunscreen when the UV index is high
Get an hourly notification to drink a glass of water
Cold tomorrow? Notify me!
Notify of birthdays in my Google calendar.
Get a notification every time you come home
Sunset Notification
Get notified of new IFTTT updatesby
iOS push notification for NASA image of the day
Amazon free app of the day IF notification
Reddit - New posts in subreddit notification
Get a notification when there's breaking NASA news
Receive a notification if there is a high pollen count in your area
Send yourself a notification reminder to switch on/off WiFi to save battery when you leave/arrive
If the outdoor temperature is below 40 degrees, get a mobile notification reminding you to bundle up
Get a notification if it's hot tomorrow
Get a notification when an astronaut exits space
Congratulate my birthday!
When NASA posting a new astronomy picture of the day, send me a notification
Alert me of free games with Steam keys posted to /r/gamedeals
Text me the weather every morning
If my character is killed in Rust send me a notification
Arlo Low Battery Notification
Get a notification when your Android device disconnects from your home Wi-Fi
Phone Locator (using Alexa & Macrodroid)
Car Location Saver
Reminder to turn off WiFi when disconnected
WIFI on mobile data off
Get a notification ~15 minutes before your next GCal event starts
Get a notification every time a @username you pick tweets
Get notified of stock price decreases
Receive a notification when the U.S. President signs a new bill into law
Receive a notification when the temperature drops below a certain threshold
If connect/disconnect from any wifi... Get a notification.
Receive a notification with your daily Fitbit sleep record
Send notification when new calendar event is added
Get a reminder to turn off your Wifi when you leave an area
Remind yourself to meditate every day
Screenshot Android
Get a BrainyQuote quote of the day sent as a notification to your phone
Receive a notification when someone you're subscribed to uploads a new video
Get a daily 6:00 AM notification with the weather report