Content map
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All services
- 5-Minute Crafts
- The Verge on YouTube
- 2Smart Cloud
- 99% Invisible
- abode
- AC Cloud Control
- Active Sleep
- Acuity Scheduling
- Adafruit
- AduroSmart
- Aerial Technologies
- Agile Octopus
- AI Content Creator
- AI Facebook Assistant
- AI Grammar Assistant
- AI LinkedIn Assistant
- AI Prompt
- AI Social Creator
- AI Summarizer
- AI Translation
- AI Twitter Assistant
- AI YouTube Assistant
- Ai-Sync
- AiDot
- Aimore Smart
- Air Monitor
- air-Q
- AirMenu
- AirNow
- AirPatrol WiFi
- Airtable
- Airthings
- AirTouch
- Airzone Cloud
- Akari
- Akiflow
- AL-KO Smart Garden
- Alexa Actions by mkZense
- Alexa Doorbell by IJPUK Solutions
- Alexa Voice Monkey
- Algorand blockchain
- All Things Considered Podcast
- Alpaca
- Amazon Cloud Drive
- Amba
- Ambi Climate
- Ambient Weather
- American Psychological Association
- American Standard® Home
- Amplenote
- Android Activity
- Android Battery
- Android Device
- Android Phone Call
- Android Photos
- Android SMS
- Angelcam
- Antifurto365 iALARM-MK
- Anyware Services
- Apilio
- Apple App Store
- Apple News and Music
- Aqara Home for EU
- Aqara Home for RU
- Aqara Home for US
- Aquanta
- Arattai
- Arlo
- Asana
- Asuka IoT
- ASUS Router
- ASUS ZenEye
- AT&T M2X
- ATLANTIC Cozytouch
- Atmoph
- August
- Aura
- Aura Air
- Automate Shades
- Automate Shades V2
- Automate Your Life
- Automator
- AWeber
- B9
- Ballotpedia
- Battery UP
- BBC News
- BBC Sport - Cricket
- BBC Sport - Football
- BBC Sport - Rugby
- Bbox Miami
- beam
- Beeminder
- Beer & Brewing
- BeoLiving Intelligence
- Beseye
- BG Home
- Big Think
- Birds & Bloom
- Bitly
- Blickdomi Compact
- Blink
- Blink (Europe)
- blink(1)
- Blogger
- Blue by ADT
- Blue Connect
- BlueLink Smart Connect
- Blurams
- BOCCO emo
- Bon Appétit
- Boondock Echo
- BotGhost
- Botslab (Asia)
- Botslab (Europe)
- Botslab (North America)
- Bouncie
- Boundary
- Box
- Boxcar 2
- BrainyQuote
- Brilliant Nexus
- Brilliant Smart
- BroadLink
- Buffer
- Bullseye Podcast
- Bureau of Economic Analysis
- BusyBox
- Button widget
- BuzzFeed
- C&H Remote AC
- C&H Remote Dehumidifier
- Caavo
- Calendly
- CallMeBot Phone Call
- Caltrain
- Camera widget
- Camio
- Celebright
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- CGP Grey
- Chacon / DiO
- ChatGPT
- Chatwork
- Chicago Transit Authority
- Chiekoo Bell
- Cielo Home
- City of Beverly Hills
- City of Tampa, Florida
- Clarion Intelligent VOICE
- ClickSend SMS
- ClickUp
- Cloud BOT
- Cloud Intelligence
- CloudRain Smart Garden Irrigation
- CNET on YouTube
- Code Switch Podcast
- Coinbase
- Cololight
- ComEd
- Confio
- Connector
- Consider This Podcast
- Constant Contact
- Convo
- coqon
- Core Smart Home
- Cosmopolitan
- CrashCourse on YouTube
- Creator Science Podcast
- Crime Junkie Podcast
- D-Link Wi-Fi Router
- Dailymotion
- Daring Fireball
- Darknet Diaries Podcast
- Das Keyboard Q
- Date & Time
- Dawn House
- Dawn House BR
- Dawn House AUS
- Dawn House CAN
- Day One
- Deep Dive with Ali Abdaal
- Defector
- Delphy Automation
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Defense
- Department of Labor
- Department of State
- Diigo
- Discord
- Disec Tronic
- Disqus
- Dobiss NXT
- DocSend
- DocuSign
- domovea
- Donation Manager RedCloud™
- dondeEsta Family
- dormakaba TAS
- DotHub
- Dozens
- Dribbble Job Board
- Drip
- Dropbox
- Duct Tape Marketing
- Dude Perfect
- e-Connect
- EarthOne
- EasyControl of Bosch
- EasyCSV
- EasyFTP
- Eater
- ecobee
- Edutopia on YouTube
- Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Elektrum
- Email Digest
- Emfit QS
- energeasy connect
- Energenie Mi|Home
- Energy Information Administration
- English Premier League News
- Entrepreneur
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Envoy
- Epion
- Equal Rights Advocates
- equiwatt
- Ergomotion Smart Bed
- Ergomotion Smart Bed BR
- ESPN News
- Eventbrite
- Evernote
- EveryKit
- eWeLink Smart Home
- EyeOpen
- Facebook Lead Ads
- Facebook Pages
- Family Handyman
- Fanimation
- Federal Communications Commission
- Feedly
- Festina Watches
- Filtrete™ Smart
- Finance
- Financial Audit with Caleb Hammer
- Finder Yesly
- Fing
- Firedesk
- Fitbit
- FL-1000 Leak Detector
- Flapz
- Fleep
- Fletti
- Flic
- Flickr
- Flutin
- Foobot
- Forbes
- Formula 1
- Fort Collins Utilities Time of Day Pricing
- Foundr Stories
- Foursquare
- Fox News
- Freakonomics Radio Podcast
- on YouTube
- Freedompro
- Fresh Air Podcast
- Fullarm
- FuseBase (Formerly Nimbus Note)
- Futurehome
- Garadget
- Garageio
- GarageWiFi & Gates
- Gary Vaynerchuk Blogs
- GatewayAPI SMS
- GE Appliances Cooking
- GE Appliances Dishwasher
- GE Appliances Dryer
- GE Appliances GeoSpring™
- GE Appliances Refrigerator
- GE Appliances Washer
- GE Appliances Window AC
- Genius Hub
- GetResponse
- Gewiss Home Gateway
- Gewiss Smart Home IoT
- Gideon Smart Home
- Giphy
- GitHub
- Glance clock
- Gmail
- Gnbly - AI Caller
- GO by Raylogic
- go-e Charger
- Gogogate
- GoodWe SemsPortal
- Google Ads
- Google Assistant
- Google Business Profile
- Google Calendar
- Google Chat
- Google Contacts
- Google Docs
- Google Drive
- Google Forms
- Google Meet
- Google Nest Thermostat
- Google Sheets
- Google Tasks
- Google Wifi
- Govee Home
- GoWild - Hunting Fishing Outdoors
- GQ
- GraspIO
- Green Light Signal
- Greip - Fraud Prevention
- Group Location
- GroupMe
- Gumroad
- Habitify
- Hacker News
- Hager IoT
- Hard Fork Podcast
- Harmony
- Harvest
- Heatmiser
- Heatzy
- Here & Now Anytime
- HiDrive
- Histre
- HolaBrain AC (formerly Dollin Smart AC)
- Home Connect Coffee Machine
- Home Connect Cookit
- Home Connect Cooktop
- Home Connect Dishwasher
- Home Connect Dryer
- Home Connect Fridge Freezer
- Home Connect Hood
- Home Connect Oven
- Home Connect Roxxter
- Home Connect Washer
- Home Connect Wine Cooler
- Homely Smart Thermostat
- HomeSeer
- Homey
- Honeywell evohome
- Honeywell Home
- Honeywell Single-zone Thermostat
- Honeywell Total Connect Comfort
- Hopscotch Social Media Management
- HousingWire
- Huberman Lab Podcast
- Hubitat
- HubSpot Strategy Blogs
- HuffPost
- Huma-i
- Human United By Porall
- Husqvarna Automower®
- I Will Teach You To Be Rich
- iDevices
- IDOs News
- iHaus smoke detector
- iHome Enhance
- Imwork
- Indego Connect
- inohom
- Inoreader
- InOut WhatsApp Receive/Send Message
- Inspinia Technology
- Instapaper
- Intellithings
- International Monetary Fund
- Intuiface
- Inventor
- Invoxia GPS Tracker
- Invoxia Triby
- iOS Calendar
- iOS Contacts
- iOS Health
- iOS Photos
- iOS Reading List
- iOS Reminders
- iOS Shortcuts
- IoT Podcast
- iotics
- iotty Smart Home
- iRobot
- IRSAP NOW Heating
- Is It Christmas?
- iSecurity+
- iSpy Agent
- It's Been a Minute Podcast
- Ivideon
- iZone
- Jaguar Watches
- Jira
- Jobicy
- Jokes of the day
- Jotform
- Kaiterra
- Kennedy-Mighell Report Podcast
- Khan Academy
- King County Metro
- KME Smart
- Knocki
- Konka Smart
- Kotaku
- Kronaby
- Kubu Smart
- Kurator by Optimal Access
- Kwikset Smart Locks
- LaMetric
- Lasagna Marketing
- Latwy
- Lektrico Charger
- Lennox iComfort
- Lex Fridman Podcast
- Lexi
- Library of Congress
- LifeHacker
- Lightform Cloud
- LightwaveRF Events
- LightwaveRF Heating
- LightwaveRF Lighting
- LightwaveRF Power
- Link My Pet
- Link Shades
- LinkDesk
- linkhut
- LinkJapan eHome
- Linus Tech Tips on YouTube
- Linxura
- Litter-Robot by Whisker
- littleBits
- LiveSmart
- LiveWebinar
- Livy
- Lnk.Bio
- Location
- Logitech Circle
- Logitech POP
- Longreads
- Los Angeles Times
- Lotus Watches
- Louder Than A Riot Podcast
- Lutron Caséta and RA2 Select
- Luxafor
- LUXORliving
- Lytmi
- M2M Services
- MagicHue
- MagicLight WiFi
- Mailchimp
- Major League Baseball
- Mapeheat Thermo Connect
- Mark Rober
- Marques Brownlee on YouTube
- MaskReminder
- Medium
- MeisterTask
- Men's Health
- Merik
- MeshTek
- Metronet
- Microsoft Teams
- Microsoft To Do
- Midea Air AC
- Midea Air Dehumidifier
- Mitsubishi Electric kumo cloud
- MobiLinc
- Money Talks News
- MoneySense
- Monzo
- Moodo & Moodo AIR
- Moonside Light
- MOONTO Shopping Lists - Checkpad
- Morning Edition Podcast
- Movieclips
- MrBeast
- mui
- Musaic
- Muslim Prayer Time
- My First Million
- My Leviton
- My Smart+
- MyCurtains
- mydlink
- myHue
- MyMilan
- MyNice
- MyQ
- Mysa Thermostat
- mySmartWindow
- myStrom
- myUplink
- Nanoleaf Smarter Series
- National Geographic on YouTube
- National Science Foundation
- Neato
- Nefit Easy
- nemy
- Neo Smart Blinds
- NerdWallet
- Netatmo Weather Station
- NetHome Plus AC
- NetHome Plus Dehumidifier
- Netro
- NewsBlur
- Nexia
- Nexx
- NIBE Uplink
- Nibo Empresa
- Nice
- Niko Home Control
- NJ Transit
- No Stupid Questions Podcast
- Noon Home
- Noonlight
- Noorio
- Note widget
- Notifications
- Notify My Echo
- Notion
- NPR's Book of the Day Podcast
- Nuelink
- nVent Nuheat Signature Thermostat
- Oco Camera
- Octopus Energy ERCOT
- Office Ladies Podcast
- OhmConnect
- Omni Newlab
- OneDrive
- OneNote
- openHAB
- Optoma
- Optus Smart Living
- Ora Control
- Orion - Voice for Teams
- Orro
- Otiom
- Owl Home
- PackPack AI
- PagerDuty
- Patreon
- Pebblebee
- Perfect Home Comfort
- Pew Research Center
- PewDiePie
- PG&E
- Philips Hue
- Phone Call (US only)
- Phyn
- Picsart Programmable Image
- Pinboard
- Pipedrive
- Pixoo-16
- Pixoo-64
- Planet Money Podcast
- Planex
- PMMI Lighting
- Pod Save America
- Podio
- Polygon
- Pop Culture Happy Hour Podcast
- Popcast
- Posterity
- Powahome
- Powered by Viva
- PowerView® Automation
- Product Hunt
- Proscenic
- Pushbullet
- Pushcut
- Pushover
- Pushsafer
- Qapital
- QualityTime
- Quanta Science Podcast
- QuickBooks Online
- Quotlr
- Rachio Irrigation Controller
- Rachio Smart Hose Timer
- Radiolab Podcast
- Ragic
- RainMachine
- RATOC Remocon
- Redfin Blog
- Relatel
- Remember The Milk
- remo+
- RemoteLync
- Reposit Power
- RescueTime
- Ring
- RoomMe
- RoosterMoney
- Rotten Mango Podcast
- Routee
- RSS Feed
- RSS Ground
- Rust
- SamProof
- SAUTER Cozytouch
- SaveTheProof
- SCOTUSblog
- Scout Alarm
- Sea Breeze Plus AC
- Sea Breeze Plus Dehumidifier
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- Seeburg
- SEG.Smart Door
- Seitron Smart
- Selock
- Sendie
- sendSMS
- Sengled
- Sensatio
- Sense Energy Monitor
- Sensibo
- Sesame by CANDY HOUSE
- Sharpr
- Shippo
- ShopYourWay
- Sighthound Video
- SimCam
- Simple Programmer Podcast
- simplehuman
- Sintonico on YouTube
- SkyBell Gen5
- SkyBell HD
- SkylinkNet
- SL-BUS Technology
- Slack
- Slashdot
- Sleeptracker-AI®
- Slickdeals
- Slide by IIM
- Small Business Trends
- smanos connect
- Smappee
- Smart Home Solution
- Smart Life
- SmarTap Shower
- Smarter
- SmartHome AC
- SmartHome Air Fryer
- SmartHome Air Purifier
- SmartHome Dehumidifier
- SmartHome Dryer
- SmartHome Fan
- SmartHome Heater
- SmartHome Humidifier
- SmartHome Microwave
- SmartHome Refrigerator
- SmartHome Vacuum Cleaner
- SmartHome Washer
- Smarthon IoT (micro:bit)
- SmartHours™️
- SmartLiving Home Automation
- Smartnest
- SmartThings
- Smitch
- SMS & Text-To-Speech by seven
- Solar Charts
- SOMA Smart Home
- Somfy myLink
- Sonos
- SoundCloud
- Sowee
- Space
- Spoki
- SpotCam
- Spotify
- sRemo
- State of the World Podcast
- Stockimo
- Strava
- Streamr Network
- Stripe
- SURFboard
- SurveyMonkey
- SurveySparrow
- Swann Security
- Swidget
- SwitchBot
- Switchur App
- Tailwind
- Talk Python To Me
- Taste of Home
- Taylor Swift
- Tecan Connect
- TechCrunch
- tecla
- TED on YouTube
- TED Radio Hour Podcast
- Teebly For Business
- Telegram
- Teletrac Navman
- Telldus Live!
- Temp Stick
- Tempest Weather System
- Texas Legislature
- The 1A Podcast
- The Accidental Tech Podcast
- The All-In Podcast
- The Best of Car Talk Podcast
- The Bible In A Year
- The Bootstrapped Founder Podcast
- The CodeNewbie Podcast
- The Colin and Samir Show
- The College Investor
- The Daily Podcast
- The Ezra Klein Show
- The Financial Diet
- The Gray Area Podcast
- The Hustle
- The Iced Coffee Hour Podcast
- The Indicator Podcast
- The Joy of Why Podcast
- The Money Guy Show
- The Moz Blog
- The National Football League
- The New York Times
- The NPR Politics Podcast
- The Pulse Podcast
- The Ramsey Show
- The Real Python Podcast
- The Savvy Social Podcast
- The Startup Magazine
- The Wall Street Journal
- THERMOR Cozytouch
- ThermoSmart
- TheSorryGirls on YouTube
- Thinga
- ThingaOS
- Think Media Podcast
- Thinka
- This American Life Podcast
- Threads
- Thrive Blogger Podcast
- Throughline Podcast
- Ti-Do by T-LAB
- TickTick
- TikTok
- Timberwolf Server
- Timelines
- Times Gate
- Tiny Buddha
- TIS Control Limited
- TMT Chow
- Tny
- Tochie Speaker
- Today, Explained Podcast
- Todoist
- Toodledo
- Total Connect 2.0
- TP-Link Kasa
- TP-Link Router
- TP-Link Tapo
- TPorig
- Tracmo
- Trakt
- Trane® Home
- Trello
- TrickleStar Connected Products
- True Energy Smart Home Denmark
- True Energy Smart Home Norway
- TSmartLife Dryer
- TSmartLife Microwave
- TSmartLife Toaster Oven
- TSmartLife Washer
- Tumblr
- Turbotax Blog
- Turn Touch
- TuxMailer
- twinu
- Twitch
- Typeform
- U-tec Smart Switch
- U-tec Ultraloq Smart Lock
- U.S. Independence Day
- UbiBot
- uHoo
- Ultenic
- Unforgettable Me
- United Nations
- United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
- Up First Podcast
- Updraft
- Uplink Remote
- uSign
- Vactidy
- VeeZy Air Conditioner
- VeeZy Dishwasher
- VeeZy French Door
- VeeZy Oven
- VeeZy Refrigerator
- VeeZy Tumble Dryer
- VeeZy Washing Machine
- Veritasium - YouTube Channel
- Verizon Cloud
- Vestaboard
- Vimar VIEW
- Vimeo
- Virtual Buttons
- VoIP Calls
- Vont Home
- Voyp
- Vybit Push Notifications
- Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! Podcast
- Warmup Smart Thermostat
- WatchMojo
- Wattio SmartHome
- Watts
- WattTime
- Wave
- We Are Teachers
- We Work Remotely
- Wear OS
- weara
- Weather Underground
- WeBeHome - Security and Smart Home
- Webflow
- Webhooks
- Weebly
- Weekend Edition Saturday Podcast
- Weekend Edition Sunday Podcast
- Welltory
- Wemo Air Purifier
- WeMo Coffeemaker
- Wemo Dimmer
- WeMo Humidifier
- WeMo Insight Switch
- WeMo Light Switch
- WeMo Lighting
- WeMo Maker
- WeMo Motion
- Wemo Outdoor Plug
- WeMo Slow Cooker
- WeMo Smart Plug
- Wine Spectator
- WiNET for Pellet Stove
- Wink Relay
- Wink: Aros
- Wink: Egg Minder
- Wink: Nimbus
- Wink: Pivot Power Genius
- Wink: Porkfolio
- Wink: Shortcuts
- Wink: Spotter
- Wireless Tag
- Wisdom From The Top
- Wiser
- Wiser Air
- Withings
- Withings Home
- Withings Sleep
- WiZ
- Wolfram Data Drop
- woopla phone calls
- WordPress
- Works With Cavius
- Works With Cavius LiviSense
- World Health Organization
- World Wildlife Fund
- WTF with Marc Maron
- Wyze
- X-House smart home
- Xtactor
- Yard Force smart garden
- Yardian
- Yeelight
- Yelp
- YoLink
- YouTube
- ZenseHome
- Zoho Cliq
- Zoho Cliq (Australia)
- Zoho Cliq (China)
- Zoho Cliq (Europe)
- Zoho Cliq (India)
- Zoho Mail
- Zoho Mail (Europe)
- Zoho Mail (India)
- Zoho Notebook
- Zoho Notebook (Australia)
- Zoho Notebook (China)
- Zoho Notebook (Europe)
- Zoho Notebook (India)
- Zoho Notebook (Japan)
- Zoom
- Zoom Phone
- Zubie
- Zuluhood
- Zynect Sensors
Service categories
- All
- New
- Popular
- Business tools
- Contacts
- Developer tools
- Finance & payments
- Gaming & Entertainment
- Health & fitness
- Journaling & personal data
- Mobile devices & accessories
- Music
- News & information
- Notifications
- Photo & video
- Podcasts
- Project management & to-dos
- Shopping
- Smart home & IoT
- Social media
- Website & blog
- YouTube Channels
Popular Applets
- Add tomorrow's weather in Google Calendar
- Automatically add a Google Calendar event when a new campaign is scheduled in MailChimp
- Automatically create a new Google Calendar event when there is a new pinned message in Discord
- Automatically create a new Google Calendar event when your business is tagged in a Facebook Photo
- Automatically log every call you make on your Android phone to a Google spreadsheet
- Back up new texts you receive on your Android device to a Google Spreadsheet
- Get a BrainyQuote quote of the day sent as a notification to your phone
- Get a notification when the International Space Station passes over your house
- Get a weekly update of your favorite topic on your favorite blog
- Get an email everyday listing all the posts in /r/FreeEBOOKS!
- Get an email when Webhooks publishes a new trigger or action
- Get an email when there's breaking NASA news
- Get an hourly notification to drink a glass of water
- Get the latest exchange rate between two currencies
- If any new SMS received, then send an email to gmail
- If someone calls, show their location when the call ends
- Launch outgoing calls through Maker Webhooks
- Notify of birthdays in my Google calendar.
- Park mower if weather forecast predicts frost or heavy rain
- Post your Instagram photos to Flickr
- RSS to Diigo
- RSS to Diigo via Gmail
- RSS to Tumblr
- RSS to Twitter
- Rain tomorrow? Get a mobile notification
- Receive a push notification when a company stock rises above a specified price
- Save new photos you're tagged in on Facebook to Dropbox
- Save your Instagram photos in Evernote
- Send a Gmail when there is a new shared file link in Dropbox
- Send yourself a custom phone message in 2 minutes
- Send yourself an email with all the images you took this week
- Share photos to Discord
- Siri to Wunderlist
- Tagged article in pocket, send to kindle
- Track your daily Fitbit activity in a Google spreadsheet
- Track your nightly sleep in Google Calendar
- Turn on the lights when you arrive home
- Tweet your Facebook status updates
- Wake up to music every day!
- When a SMS is sent, save it to a Google drive document (each contact gets its own doc)
Explore posts
- 10 Best Productivity Apps for 2025
- 10 best Pomodoro productivity apps
- Best smart home devices of 2024
- Guide to Organizing and Saving Articles
- How We Automate TikTok
- How a Freelancer Automates Their Tutoring Business with IFTTT
- How a repairman automated their calendar with AI
- How an IFTTTer (us) automates their LinkedIn
- How an IFTTTer Simplifies Their Daily Life
- How an IFTTTer automates their Twitch
- How an IFTTTer is automating their project management
- How to Connect Your First Applet
- How to Use Multi-Action Applets
- How to build a YouTube audience quick in 2025
- How to share your TikTok videos across multiple platforms
- IFTTT AI services
- Introducing our new service: Threads
- Introducing our new service: TikTok integrations
- Introducing the AI Applet maker
- Introducing the IFTTT Automation Assistant GPT
- New LinkedIn actions: Share an update with image and share an update with video
- New YouTube action: Upload video from URL
- New on IFTTT for November 2024
- New on IFTTT in 2024
- Optimize Google Calendar with IFTTT Integrations
- Optimize your notifications
- Small business trends for 2025
- Ten New Year's Resolutions Ideas for 2025
- Ten Tips to Keep Your New Year's Resolutions
- The 25 Best IFTTT Applets: Revolutionizing Your Digital Workflow
- The best robot lawn mowers of 2025 guide
- Top Applets of 2024
- Top Applets on IFTTT
- Top Services of 2024
- Top Spotify integrations with IFTTT
- Top YouTube automations with IFTTT
- Top widget Applets
- Ultimate Calendar Automation Applet
- Ultimate Social Media Cross-Posting Applet
- Wyze cameras, lights, and action