If You enter an area, then set a zone temperature
Popular Honeywell Single-zone Thermostat workflows & automations
If you enter an area (iOS), then set a zone temperature to X°
If you exit an area, then disable a quick action
Set a zone temperature
Set a thermostat zone temperature
Change temperature at this time
On a certain day of the week, set a zone temperature to X° at a specific time
If sunrise, then set a zone temperature
If outside temperature rises above X°, then turn off the heating
If outside temperature drops below X°, then disable quick actions and go back to schedule
If you exit an area (iOS), then set zone temperature to X°
Disable quick action
Enable quick action
Wi-Fi termostat trigger
Adjust bedroom temperature when Sleep recording starts
Turn on AC When Temperature Rises
Adjust your Honeywell Thermostat When You Enter a Room
If phone call to ____________, then enable a quick action
If new SMS sent matches "Disable", then disable a quick action
If new SMS sent matches "Quickaction", then enable a quick action
If every day at 05:15 PM, then disable a quick action
Turn up Honeywell thermostat if Phyn sends freeze alert
Set Honeywell thermostat while you are on the way Home