Power consumption report
Start today
Actions (Then that)
Other popular Homey workflows and automations
Homey will tell you when the ISS passes over your home
Let Homey speak when your laundry is done
Let Homey speak when your dinner is ready
Homey passe le pilote en mode auto
Homey éteint le pilote
Homey, Close iSmartGate
Homey, Open iSmartGate
FRONT DOOR unlocked, Start Flow
Useful Homey and Honeywell Single-zone Thermostat integrations
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Enable quick action
This action will enable a quick action at one of your locations. This can either be permanent or for a number of days/hours.
Start a Flow
This Action will start a Flow on Homey.
Disable a quick action
This action will remove any existing quick action at your location and set your heating system to follow the schedule.
Start a Flow with Tags
This Action will start a Flow with Tags on Homey. Please install the IFTTT App on Homey and create a Flow that uses the Flow Card Trigger provided by the IFTTT App. You need to be an owner on your Homey in order to use this Applet.
Set a zone temperature
This action sets an override on target temperature of one of your zones. This can either be permanently set or just for a number of hours.
Let Homey speak
This Action will let Homey speak.

Enable quick action
This action will enable a quick action at one of your locations. This can either be permanent or for a number of days/hours.

Start a Flow
This Action will start a Flow on Homey.

Disable a quick action
This action will remove any existing quick action at your location and set your heating system to follow the schedule.

Start a Flow with Tags
This Action will start a Flow with Tags on Homey. Please install the IFTTT App on Homey and create a Flow that uses the Flow Card Trigger provided by the IFTTT App. You need to be an owner on your Homey in order to use this Applet.

Set a zone temperature
This action sets an override on target temperature of one of your zones. This can either be permanently set or just for a number of hours.

Let Homey speak
This Action will let Homey speak.
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