Get a notification when there's a service alert on Rapid Ride E line during commute hours
Popular King County Metro workflows & automations
Get an email when there's a service alert on Rapid Ride A line during commute hours
Get an SMS when there's a service alert on Rapid Ride B line during commute hours
Log Rapid Ride B Line Alerts in Google Sheets
Log All Metro Alerts in a Google Sheet
Get a notification when there's a service alert on the Rapid Ride C line during the morning commute
Let your team know when there's a service alert on Rapid Ride D line during your morning commute
Let the team know when there's a significant disruption to King County Metro service in the morning
Get Alerts for Major Bus Service Disruptions
Get a Text Alert for Rapid Ride C Line Delays
Receive Alerts for Rapid Ride D Line Service Disruptions