Automatically turn on your Hue lights on when you unlock your August Smart Lock
Popular August workflows & automations
Automatically turn off your lights as you leave home
Turn your hue lights on when you get home
Receive a notification when a specific person unlocks the door
Turn on your Hue lights whenever your lock is unlocked
Turn on your LIFX lights when you come home
Close your MyQ garage when the door is locked
Arm Your Blink System When You Lock Your August Lock
Disarm Your Blink System When You Unlock Your August Lock
Turn on a WeMo smart switch when your lock is unlocked
Activate security camera as you leave home
Unlock a door, disarm Abode
Door Unlocked - Set Comfort Level to Home
Log August 'Unlocked' Events to Google Calendar
If Locked By Person Then Notify
Dim your lights after you leave home
Turn up ring volume when you leave home
August turns off Abode
Disarm SmartThings when August Lock is unlocked by a specific person
Log August 'Locked' Events to Google Calendar
Set your Scout alarm when you leave home and lock your August Smart Lock
August Lock Status Light (Unlocked)
If August Lock is unlocked activate wink shortcut
If - Front Door is unlocked, then Wyze Cam records a short event and uploads an alert video
When door unlocked, Wemo blinks on.
August Lock Status Light (Locked)
Start playback every time August lock is unlocked between a certain time
August Arm Arlo
Turn on WeMo Dimmer, Set Brightness if August Door is Unlocked by a Specific Person after 6:00 p.m.
If August lock is locked, then Turn off Hue light
When you unlock your door, turn on the lights
Turn your bot on when you unlock your lock
When August door lock unlocks, turn on Nethome Plus AC
When August door lock unlocks, turn on air purifier.
Turn on AC when your door is unlocked
When August door lock unlocks, turn on Nethome Plus dehumidifier
If - Front Door unlocked by ----, then turn on ---
When August door lock unlocks, turn on Midea dehumidifier
When August door lock unlocks, turn on Midea AC.
Flash front lights when doorbell rings
Turn on hallway light
Unlock the Door and Activate a Welcome Home Scene
Turn GE AC on/off when August/Yale lock is unlocked/locked
Secure & Illuminate
Unlock to Activate
Turn on the light when the door is unlocked
Turn on the Philips Hue light when the August Home smart lock is unlocked after sunset