Dim your lights after you leave home
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Popular August and Lutron Caséta and RA2 Select workflows and automations
Useful August and Lutron Caséta and RA2 Select integrations
Triggers (If this)
Lock unlocked
This Trigger fires every time the specified lock is unlocked.
Lock locked
This Trigger fires every time the specified lock is locked.
Lock unlocked by specific person
This Trigger fires every time your lock is unlocked by a specific person.
Lock locked by specific person
This Trigger fires every time your lock is locked by a specific person.
Doorbell motion detected
This trigger fires every time your doorbell detects motion.
Doorbell button pressed
This trigger fires every time someone rings your doorbell.

Lock unlocked
This Trigger fires every time the specified lock is unlocked.

Lock locked
This Trigger fires every time the specified lock is locked.

Lock unlocked by specific person
This Trigger fires every time your lock is unlocked by a specific person.

Lock locked by specific person
This Trigger fires every time your lock is locked by a specific person.

Doorbell motion detected
This trigger fires every time your doorbell detects motion.

Doorbell button pressed
This trigger fires every time someone rings your doorbell.
Queries (With)
History of a specific person locked your Lock
This query returns a list of events when your lock was locked by a specific person.
History of lock unlocked by specific person
This query returns a list of when your lock was unlocked by a specific person.
History of lock locked
This query returns a list of when the specified lock was locked.
History of lock unlocked
This query returns a list of when the specified lock was unlocked.

History of a specific person locked your Lock
This query returns a list of events when your lock was locked by a specific person.

History of lock unlocked by specific person
This query returns a list of when your lock was unlocked by a specific person.

History of lock locked
This query returns a list of when the specified lock was locked.

History of lock unlocked
This query returns a list of when the specified lock was unlocked.
Actions (Then that)
Set light level
This Action will set a Lutron dimmer or switch to the level you specify.
Set shade position
This Action will set a Lutron shade to the position you specify.
Activate scene
This Action will adjust multiple lights and shades together by activating a scene created in the Lutron app.
Set shade tilt
This Action allows shades to be set to the desired tilt.
Set fan speed
This Action allows a fan to be set to the desired speed.

Set light level
This Action will set a Lutron dimmer or switch to the level you specify.

Set shade position
This Action will set a Lutron shade to the position you specify.

Activate scene
This Action will adjust multiple lights and shades together by activating a scene created in the Lutron app.

Set shade tilt
This Action allows shades to be set to the desired tilt.

Set fan speed
This Action allows a fan to be set to the desired speed.
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