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Popular Date & Time workflows & automations
Automatically mute your Android phone at bedtime
Mute your Android phone at bedtime
Unmute your Android phone's ringer every morning
Get an hourly notification to drink a glass of water
Every Monday morning of the week, you get a quote!! #quotes #quotation #happy
Take on the 1p Savings Challenge
Wake up to music every day!
Spotify Alarm Clock
Congratulate my birthday!
Tweet Happy New Year!
Timed Daily Tweet
Let Automower sing Happy Birthday
Turn your lights on every day at a certain time
Adds a random Wikipedia article to your Feedly queue every day
Change your Hue lights to a softer white to help you sleep
Every day at same time, post an automatic tweet
Every month post a message to your Facebook Page fans
Randomize the color of my lights every hour
Automatically post a daily reminder to a Slack channel
Automatically turn off your Hue lights at midnight every day
Automatically receive a motivating wake up call each morning
When it's bedtime, turn off WeMo Switch
Recurring Tweets
Remind yourself to meditate every day
Turn off all your Hue lights at night
Blink your Hue lights every night when it's time for bed
Wake up gently by having your LIFX lights fade on every morning
Happy New Year color loop
Send a SMS at a certain time every day
Simulated sunrise alarm clock for hue
Automatically unmute your Android phone at a specific time on weekdays
Wake up gently by using Yeelight sunrise
Wake to the colors of roses on Valentine's Day!
Bing Wallpaper
"Have a nice week-end" post for Facebook Page
Use hue as a clock
Take on the £1 Weekly Savings Challenge
half hour tweet
Close your MyQ garage nightly
Remind your Facebook friends to follow you on Twitter
Get an email reminder a week before your wedding anniversary
Automatically post a daily reminder to a Telegram chat
Wake up with hue
Create recurring reminders in Evernote
Email yourself a random Wikipedia article every day!