Get an email with the latest IFTTT updates
Popular Email workflows & automations
Receive NASA's image of the day in your email
Get an email with your current location
A daily email with new Recipes for you to try
Mail me free games with Steam keys posted to /r/gamedeals
Follow IFTTT's updates from your inbox
Get an email when there's breaking NASA news
Get an email with NASA's astronomy pic of the day
Every Monday morning of the week, you get a quote!! #quotes #quotation #happy
Quickly email yourself a note
Get an email if it will rain tomorrow
Spotify Alarm Clock
Automatically have the texts you receive on your Android phone sent to your email
Get an email when Webhooks publishes a new trigger or action
Automatically email yourself screenshots that you take on your Android phone
Get a daily 6:00 AM email with the weather report
Turn hue lights on with Siri
Get an email when there's a new tweet from a specific username
Email a message to a Slack channel
Get an email from the New York Times whenever there's breaking technology news
Get an email when a new service is published on IFTTT
When you're tagged in a pic on Facebook you will receive an email with it attached
Frost Alert!
Missed calls via email
Create new todo with an email
Use Liam Neeson's badass quote from "Taken" to scare someone into returning your phone
Create Todoist tasks from email
If the temperature drops below freezing, receive an email reminding you to cover your plants
Save my mail attachments to OneDrive
Get an email whenever the U.S. President signs a bill into law
Forward important emails to OneNote
Get an email with the pic whenever you take a new photo with your Android phone
Snap a book or movie you want to remember
Always be prepared for the weather
Get an email reminder a week before your wedding anniversary
Create reminder to follow-up e-mail
Get alerts if there's disease outbreak news from the World Health Organization
Evernote To Do from email
Touch NFC Tag & Play Music
Gmail to Sheets
Get alerted to new flight deals from 'The Flight Deal'
Get an email when a particular stock drops below a certain price
When you receive an email attachment automatically save it to Dropbox
Email me the hottest Black Friday posts from Reddit
Get an email when your EZVIZ camera senses motion
Email yourself the iPhone screenshots you take
Get a notification and an email if there's going to be snow tomorrow
Get an email when the NSF announces a new scientific discovery