Connect Email to IFTTT and unlock powerful automations

Popular Email and IFTTT workflows and automations

Useful Email and IFTTT integrations

Email and IFTTT resources

How an IFTTTer automates their Twitch

How an IFTTTer automates their Twitch

Twitch is one of the most popular services on IFTTT. Automate your Twitch today!

How a freelancer automations their tutoring business with IFTTT

How a freelancer automations their tutoring business with IFTTT

IFTTT can now help teams and businesses alike automate their tutoring business. Click to learn more!

Small business trends for 2025

Small business trends for 2025

When running a small business, you sometimes feel like you're in a bubble. Click to learn the best small business trends of 2025!

10 best productivity apps for 2025

10 best productivity apps for 2025

IFTTT has helped over 30,000,000 people become more productive by automating their life. Click to learn about the 10 best productivity apps for 2025.

Optimize Google Calendar with IFTTT integrations

Optimize Google Calendar with IFTTT integrations

Check out our best Google Calendar integrations and learn how you can automate Google Calendar in minutes with IFTTT! You already know how useful Google Calendar can be for managing tasks and schedules. The possibilities with Google Cale...

How to automate scheduling tasks to improve productivity

How to automate scheduling tasks to improve productivity

Explore the differences between scheduling tasks and automating scheduled tasks. IFTTT is here to help you discover what tasks should be scheduled instead of automated, as well as step-by-step instructions for automating scheduling tasks...

How an IFTTTer (us) automates their LinkedIn

How an IFTTTer (us) automates their LinkedIn

IFTTT can now help creators and businesses automate their LinkedIn. Click to learn more!

Guide to organizing and saving articles

Guide to organizing and saving articles

Become the most productive person in the room by creating the Ultimate Calendar Automation Applet.

Ultimate calendar automation Applet

Ultimate calendar automation Applet

Become the most productive person in the room by creating the ultimate calendar automation Applet.

IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together