If current electricity price in area is below 90 EUR/MWh, then activate \"Boiler\":Switch 1:ON
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Uzzini pirmais par elektrības cenas izmaiņām Latvijā
If the current price of electricity is above the threshold, then turn off smart life device
When price of electricity exceeds a threshold, then turn off a group of devices from eWeLink
If price of electricity changes, then send me a notification
When price of electricity exceeds a threshold, then send a notification from IFTTT app
When electricity price drops below a threshold, then turn on TP-Link Tape device
When price of electricity exceeds a threshold, then turn off TP-Link Tape device
When price of electricity exceeds a threshold, then Switch off SmartThings device
When price of electricity changes, then add a row in google sheets
When price of electricity changes, then toggle WeMo Smart Plug