Boil the kettle by asking Alexa
Popular Smarter workflows & automations
Brew coffee by asking Alexa
Blink your Hue lights when your coffee is ready
Blink your Hue lights when your iKettle has boiled
Text me when my iKettle has boiled
When your iKettle has boiled, change your Hue lights to a random colour and get a text message!
LaMetric device displays a notification when your iKettle has boiled
Tea anyone?
It's 10am, have a coffee.
Pulse the light when coffee has finished brewing
Brew coffee when we wake up
Turn on your Smarter kettle when your Smart Bed alarm is activated
Turn on your Smarter kettle when your Dawn House bed alarm activates
Turn on your Smarter kettle when your Dawn House alarm activates
Turn on your Smarter kettle when your Dawn House bed alarm activates
Brew coffee when we wake up
Display a message on your Glance Clock when your iKettle boils
FitBit thinks you need a coffee