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Popular Finance workflows & automations
Keep track of a stock's price at close in a Google spreadsheet
Get notified of stock price decreases
How strong is your currency in another country? Log the exchange rate every day
Receive a push notification when a company stock rises above a specified price
% stock increase → push notification
Ping me when the stock I'm watching drops below a certain point.
Keep track of a particular stock's daily closing price in a spreadsheet
Get an email when a particular stock drops below a certain price
Get the latest exchange rate between two currencies
Get a daily email with the closing price of a certain stock
Daily exchange rate report between any two currencies via email
When markets close, then send me the closing price of a specific stock
If a particular stock is up 5%, receive an email alert
Post a stock's closing price to a Slack channel
If a particular stock is down 5%, send me an email!
Weekly Stock Tracker
Get alerts when a stock drops by a certain percentage
Get alerts when a stock rises by a certain percentage
Send me an #email when #stock price rises above a threshold.
If today's Bitcoin price (BTCUSD=X) drops by 1%, then push an address
If AAPL rises above $500, start a rainbow dance party.
Stock Price at Market Close
Stock Price Drops Below Telegram
Save if your investments are bringing you down
Stock Price Rises Above Telegram
Post the closing price of Microsoft to your group at the end of each trading day.
Dow Jones Notification >
Stock tracker for Evernote
Stock rise pushover.
Weekly USD/Euro exchange
dollar change
Change the light to green if stock price rises enough
Receive a push notification about a rising stock via Pushover
Send a daily notification via Pushover with the closing price of a certain stock
Send me stock price at close via Boxcar Push
Stock fall pushover.
Get alerts when a stock rises above a price
Get alerts when a stock drops below a price
Signals Das Keyboard when stock price rises by percentage
Display Apple stock price on LaMetric TIME
Change the light to red if stock price drops too much
If bitcoin value drops below X send pushbullet
When my stock increases by a specific __%, log it to Evernote
Daily Closing Price add into Email Digest
Stock price drop to Slack