Popular Finance and Twitter workflows and automations
Tweet Closing Exchange Rate with Image
Tweet price of Gold at closing
When Bitcoin Drops Post It On Twitter With Chart
When Bitcoin Goes UP post it on Twitter with Chart
Useful Finance and Twitter integrations
Triggers (If this)
New tweet by you
This Trigger fires every time you post a new tweet.
Price at close
This Trigger retrieves the closing price of a stock you specify every time the market closes.
New tweet by you with hashtag
This Trigger fires every time you post a new tweet with a specific hashtag.
Price rises above
This trigger fires every day after the markets close and a stock’s closing price rises above an amount you specify.
New tweet by you in area
This Trigger fires every time you post a tweet at a location you specify.
Price drops below
This trigger fires every day after the markets close and a stock’s closing price drops below an amount you specify.
New mention of you
This Trigger fires every time you are @mentioned in a tweet.
Today's price rises by percentage
This trigger fires every day after the markets close and a stock's price rises from the previous closing price by at least the percentage you specify.
New link by you
This Trigger fires for every link you tweet. If your tweet has multiple links, it will fire multiple times.
Today's price drops by percentage
This trigger fires every day after the markets close and a stock's price drops from the previous closing price by at least the percentage you specify.
New follower
This Trigger fires every time a new user starts following you.
Today's exchange rate report
This Trigger retrieves today's current exchange rate for any two currencies at the time you specify.
New liked tweet by you
This Trigger fires every time you like a tweet.
New tweet by a specific user
This Trigger fires every time the Twitter user you specify tweets.
New tweet from search
This Trigger fires every time a new tweet matches your search query. Limited to 10 tweets per check, and protected tweets will not be returned.
New tweet by anyone in area
This Trigger fires every time anyone posts a tweet at a location you specify.

Queries (With)
History of a stock dropping below a price
This query returns a list of when a stocks price dropped below an amount you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of a stock rising above a price
This query returns a list of when a stocks price rose above an amount you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of a stock dropping by percentage
This query returns a list of when a stocks price dropped below a percentage you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of today's price rises by percentage
This query returns a list of when a stock's price rises from the previous closing price by at least the percentage you specify. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.
History of closing prices
This query returns a list of recent closing prices of a stock you specify.

Actions (Then that)
Post a tweet
This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account. NOTE: Please adhere to Twitter’s Rules and Terms of Service.
Post a tweet with image
This Action will post a new tweet to your Twitter account with a linked pic.twitter.com image. NOTE: Please adhere to Twitter’s Rules and Terms of Service.

Finance and Twitter resources

Guide to organizing and saving articles
Become the most productive person in the room by creating the Ultimate Calendar Automation Applet.

Bluesky vs Threads: A Comparison
Ever wondered the difference between Threads and Bluesky? This guide covers everything you need to know about the two platforms and how to integrate them with IFTTT for the ultimate automation.

Automate for Earth Day 2025
Happy Earth Day 2021. We’re excited to share videos of the best Earth Day Applets from across the IFTTT community. They were submitted to the IFTTT Earth Day Challenge, our Earth Day Hackathon, and from our community team.

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AI generated tweets - pros and cons
Click to learn the pros and cons of AI generated tweets and the best tools to write them!

How to use BotGhost + Integrations with IFTTT
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