This Trigger fires every time you like a tweet.
Developer info
- API endpoint slug
- twitter.new_favorite_tweet
Trigger fields
No fields for this trigger
Text The tweet itself.
- Slug
- Text
- Filter code
- Twitter.newFavoriteTweet.Text
- Type
- String
- Example
- Is eating cheerios for breakfast.
User name User name of tweeter.
- Slug
- UserName
- Filter code
- Twitter.newFavoriteTweet.UserName
- Type
- String
- Example
- ltibbets
Link to tweet The URL to the tweet itself.
- Slug
- LinkToTweet
- Filter code
- Twitter.newFavoriteTweet.LinkToTweet
- Type
- String
- Example
First link url The first URL found in the tweet.
- Slug
- FirstLinkUrl
- Filter code
- Twitter.newFavoriteTweet.FirstLinkUrl
- Type
- String
- Example
Created at Date and time tweet was created.
- Slug
- CreatedAt
- Filter code
- Twitter.newFavoriteTweet.CreatedAt
- Type
- String
- Example
- August 23, 2010 at 11:01PM
Tweet embed code The HTML embed code for the Tweet.
- Slug
- TweetEmbedCode
- Filter code
- Twitter.newFavoriteTweet.TweetEmbedCode
- Type
- String
- Example
- <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>The Lady Bunch: <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>— Today at IFTTT (@TodayAtIFTTT) <a href="