Send me an email when a Wikipedia article gets significant edit activity
Popular Wikipedia workflows & automations
- If an article is trending on Wikipedia, then send a rich notification from the IFTTT app
- Automatically set your Android wallpaper to Wikipedia's picture of the day
- Receive an email with Wikipedia's article of the day
- Collect Wikipedia's picture of the day in an Evernote notebook
- Set Wikipedia picture of the day as your Mac display background
- Picture of day wiki
- Keep up with new articles published in any category on Wikipedia
- Learn English
- Weekly Wikipedia Word List Sent to My E-mail For Personal
- If article of the day, then post a message to a Slack channel
- Pictures of the day to email
- Collect your Wikipedia edits in an Evernote notebook
- Save wikipedia article of the day to pocket
- Postea la imagen del dia que la pagina (wikipedia) envie y se postea en la Fans page. #Optimus
- India growing
- Get notified for theword of the day
- Keep updated with Wikipedia
- If word of the day, then Send message to Private chat with @IFTTT
- If Picture of the day, then post a message to a channel
- If Article of the day, then Submit a new link
- Wikipedia
- Wikipedia picture of the day to Teams
- Article would be published from wiki to wordpress blog
- If word of the day, then push a note
- Notify your Das Keyboard 5Q when the daily featured article on Wikipedia is updated.
- picture of the day in your mail
- Wiki Daily notification and share through sms
- Wikipedia word of the day to Teams
- Wiki Edit to Sharpr Post