
Upgraded space Applet

By The IFTTT Team

April 13, 2022

Upgraded space Applet
  • One of our most popular Applets just got a major upgrade using a query from the Weather Underground service and filter code.

    See the upgrade in action.

    The IFTTT Team edited this popular Applet and added new filter code. This way, the Applet action only fires when sky conditions are favorable.

  • All IFTTT users can edit existing Applets and enable an unlimited number of Published Applets. Search through the Explore page to find an existing Applet to make your own.


    The IFTTT Team edited this ISS Applet based on requests from our community. We used filter code to specify which sky conditions are favorable for this Applet to run its action. If the sun is in the sky, then the Applet will skip its action. Whenever skies are clear or fair, then the Applet will run. Filter code funnel

    Filter Code

    Write JavaScript code to override action fields and skip actions. All actions will run unless you explicitly skip them. Check out this help center article for more information and examples.

    let weather = Weather.currentWeather[0].CurrentCondition.toLowerCase();
    let notClear = ((weather.indexOf('sunny') === -1) && (weather.indexOf('clear') === -1) && (weather.indexOf('fair') === -1));
    let sunrise = moment(Weather.currentWeather[0].SunriseAt);
    let sunset = moment(Weather.currentWeather[0].SunsetAt);
    let currentTime = Meta.currentUserTime;
    let afterSunrise = currentTime.isAfter(sunrise);
    let beforeSunset = currentTime.isBefore(sunset);
    if (notClear) {
      IfNotifications.sendNotification.skip(`ISS passed overhead but you may not see it because it's ${weather}`);
    } else if
     (afterSunrise && beforeSunset) {
       IfNotifications.sendNotification.skip(`ISS passes overhead but the sun is up so you won't spot it`);

  • All IFTTT users can enable an unlimited amount of Applets. Try this upgraded ISS Applet for yourself.

    Enable ISS Applet button