Automatically share completed Trello tasks to a Slack channel
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Popular Slack and Trello workflows and automations
If a card is assigned to me in trello, then post a message to my slackbot
Post a note in a private Slack room when you're assigned a card on Trello
When a new card is added to Trello, post this to Slack
If a Trello card is assigned to me post to Slack.
If trello activity, post to slack
Update Slack when Card Moved to Specific List
Notify Slack channel of update to Trello board
notify users when cards are moved
Useful Slack and Trello integrations
Triggers (If this)
Slack and Trello resources

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How an IFTTTer is automating their project management
IFTTT can now help teams and businesses alike automate their project management. Click to learn more!

Optimize Google Calendar with IFTTT integrations
Check out our best Google Calendar integrations and learn how you can automate Google Calendar in minutes with IFTTT! You already know how useful Google Calendar can be for managing tasks and schedules. The possibilities with Google Cale...

How IFTTT can help your business
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How to export Trello to Google Sheets
Learn how to export your Trello boards to Google Sheets automatically. Set up this integration in minutes with IFTTT.
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