Popular Location and Slack workflows and automations
Let your team know when you've arrived at the office
Announce my arrival!
Leaving Teamvvork
Share my location on Slack
When entering or exiting an area, post to a Slack channel
Announce your presence in the company to the underlings.
Slack: Entering or Leaving a Location
Useful Location and Slack integrations
Triggers (If this)
Location and Slack resources

Optimize Google Calendar with IFTTT integrations
Check out our best Google Calendar integrations and learn how you can automate Google Calendar in minutes with IFTTT! You already know how useful Google Calendar can be for managing tasks and schedules. The possibilities with Google Cale...

How IFTTT can help your business
Click to learn how IFTTT can help your business!

Top 24 Productivity Hacks 2025: How to be more Productive
You are more productive with IFTTT. The ability to create workflows, routines, and automate repetitive tasks make it easier to spend time doing the things that you love with the people who matter most. Click to learn the top 24 productiv...

Difference between Google Chat versus Slack
Google Chat and Slack are two popular popular communication and collaboration tools. In this article, we will explore the key features, user experience, pricing plans, security measures, customization options, user adoption and integrati...

How to share Google Calendar with iPhone
Google Calendar is a great way to keep track of your schedule. It can be used for personal or business purposes, and it's very easy to share with others. In this blog post, we will show you how to share your Google Calendar with anyone y...

The 25 Best IFTTT Applets: Revolutionizing Your Digital Workflow
the 25 best IFTTT Applets