Popular iOS Calendar and Location workflows and automations
Useful iOS Calendar and Location integrations
Triggers (If this)
You enter an area
This Trigger fires every time you enter an area you specify.
New event added to any calendar
This trigger fires every time a new event is added to any of your calendars.
You exit an area
This Trigger fires every time you exit an area you specify.
New event added to specific calendar
This trigger fires every time a new event is added to the calendar that you specify.
You enter or exit an area
This Trigger fires every time you enter or exit an area you specify.
New event added from search
This trigger fires every time a new event is added to any of your calendars that contains a specific keyword or phrase. The search looks at all of the attributes associated with an event, including title, location, notes, and invitees.

iOS Calendar and Location resources

How to Make Emails Create Google Calendar Events Automatically
Click here to learn how to create new Google Calendar events each time you receive an email. With IFTTT, this process is free and easy!

7 Google Drive integrations & automations for productivity
Check out our best Google Drive integrations and learn how you can configure automations in minutes with IFTTT!

Optimize Google Calendar with IFTTT integrations
Check out our best Google Calendar integrations and learn how you can automate Google Calendar in minutes with IFTTT! You already know how useful Google Calendar can be for managing tasks and schedules. The possibilities with Google Cale...

Best ClickUp integrations for small and mighty teams
In this blog IFTTT provides the best ClickUp integrations to help small teams succeed.

9 best Calendly integrations for small businesses
This blog by IFTTT provides helpful Calendly integrations to help small businesses reach their goals.

Automations for students 2025
Save yourself time that is often spent getting organized and managing your schedule by automating elements of the manual tasks you need to do. Out of the hundreds of services available on IFTTT, we integrate with many of the popular plat...

Google Tasks versus Todoist
In this article, we will compare these two powerful task management tools, Google Tasks and Todoist, and help you decide which one is the right fit for you.

How to export Asana projects to Google Sheets
Keep clear track of your Asana projects in a spreadsheet - Set up an Asana to Sheets integration in minutes with IFTTT.

Guide to automating iOS and Android devices
Your smartphone and wearable devices work better with IFTTT. Our free mobile apps make it easy to use all of our features with ease and give you complete control of your automations whenever and wherever. We are the leading low code auto...