Your garden, whether it’s the size of a sports field or sitting on your kitchen windowsill, can be a fun project for your home. Taking pride in your yard or dedicating time to cultivating a new vegetable can be simplified and automated with different connected services. We have created a roundup of neat services and useful Applets to keep your garden green and healthy all year long!
Learn to Garden
For aspiring horticulturists, reading about plant care and setting up a watering schedule can be extremely helpful first steps. There is even an Applet to remind you to bring in your plants if the temperature dips!
Automate lawn care
Gone are the days of spending hours a week mowing the lawn. Husqavarna, Robolinho, and Indego Connect are just some of the smart lawn mower options that are IFTTT-enabled.
Send robot mower Robolinho® home (stop mowing), when it starts raining
Send Indego Connect to the dock when I have a BBQ in the garden.
When MIYO starts irrigating the lawn, send Indego Connect to the dock.
Notify your neighbour when your mower needs attention
Applets for irrigation and watering schedules
Log CloudRain Irrigations in Google Sheet
Delay my Rachio Sprinkler cycle when it rains to save water.
Water new sod zone every hour
Water my yard if moisture level is below 40%
The complete list of IFTTT-enabled services for gardening and lawn care
Explore all of the IFTTT enabled services and their connections to make your own Applet today!