If it rises above ___ degrees outside then turn your A/C on
Popular Wink: Aros workflows & automations
Turn on your A/C
If it drops below ___ degrees outside then turn your A/C off
If you're near home then turn your A/C on
If you leave home then turn your A/C off
Turn off the A/C
Set the A/C Temperature
Every day at __:__ turn your A/C off
Every day at __:__ turn your A/C on
Set a weekly schedule to turn your A/C off
Set a weekly schedule to turn your A/C on
Every hour turn your A/C on
If the temperature inside drops below ___ degrees then turn off A/C
Turn Aros on when my phone gets in range of my home network
If you tweet with a hashtag #off then turn your A/C off
If you tweet with a hashtag #aros then turn your A/C on
If you achieve your daily calorie burn Fitbit goal then turn your A/C on
At sunset turn your A/C off
If you disconnect from your home WiFi network then turn your A/C on
Every hour turn your A/C off
If the temperature inside rises above ___ degrees then turn on A/C
If you don't achieve a daily Fitbit goal then turn your A/C off
If you check-in with hashtag #aros in a shout then turn your A/C on
At sunrise turn your A/C on
If temperature raise above__, then turn on Wink Aros A/C