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Quickly connect MeshTek to Battery UP
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Battery UP
and unlock powerful automations
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Other popular MeshTek workflows and automations
Set Color when sunrise
Blink Lights when rain detected
Apply Effect when rain detected
Set Color when Temp Goes Up
Apply Static Effect when sunrise
Set Color
Apply White when ring detected
Blink Lights when sunrise
Apply Adv Effect when temp goes below
Useful MeshTek and Battery UP integrations
Triggers (If this)
Battery reading matches a specified condition
This trigger fires when a specified condition for a device metric value is met.
Battery reading matches two specified conditions
This trigger fires when specified conditions for device metrics values are met.
Energy meter reading matches a specified condition
This trigger fires when a specified condition for a device metric value is met.
Energy meter reading matches two specified conditions
This trigger fires when specified conditions for device metrics values are met.
Queries (With)
History of battery readings per minute
This query returns list of battery readings aggregated per minute.
History of battery readings per hour
This query returns list of battery readings aggregated per hour.
History of energy meter readings per minute
This query returns list of energy meter readings aggregated per minute.
History of energy meter readings per hour
This query returns list of energy meter readings aggregated per hour.
Weather matches the specified forecast conditions
This query returns a list of matches for the specified weather forecast conditions of your installation location.
Time window matches the specified conditions
This query returns a list of matches for the specified time window conditions.
Actions (Then that)
Lights On
This action will turn on selected MeshTek device to the chosen default lighting setting.
Lights Off
This action will turn off your selected MeshTek device.
Blink Lights
This action will blink selected MeshTek device on and off to a specified Color and times.
Set Color
This action will turn on or change selected MeshtTek device to a specified color.
Apply Effect
This action will apply a selected effect to selected Meshtek device.
Apply Effect - Advance
This action will apply a selected effect to selected MeshTek device.
Apply Static Effect
This action will apply a Static effect to selected MeshTek device.
Apply Preset
This action will apply preset to selected MeshTek device.
Apply White
This action will apply white to selected MeshTek device.
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