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Gnbly - AI Caller
Library of Congress
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Useful Gnbly - AI Caller and Library of Congress integrations
Triggers (If this)
Latest news
This trigger fires every time there is news released by the Library of Congress.
Today in history
This trigger fires every time there is a new "Today in history" post from the Library of Congress.
New blog post
This trigger fires every time there is a new blog post released by the Library of Congress.
Picture This: Library of Congress Prints
This trigger fires every time there's a new highlight from the Library of Congress print collections as well as peeks behind-the-scenes in the Prints Photographs Division.
Queries (With)
History of news
This query returns a list of of news released by the Library of Congress.
History of blog posts
This query returns a list of recent blog posts released by the Library of Congress.
History of today in history
This query returns a list of when there was a new "Today in history" post from the Library of Congress.
History of new Picture This: Library of Congress Prints
This query returns a list of new highlights from the Library of Congress print collections as well as peeks behind-the-scenes in the Prints Photographs Division.
Actions (Then that)
Start a Call
This action will start a call using Gnbly.
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