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Quickly connect iHaus smoke detector to TRIGGERcmd
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iHaus smoke detector
and unlock powerful automations
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Other popular iHaus smoke detector workflows and automations
Stop charging on heat alarm
go-e Charger
Get a Call when there iHaus smoke alarm is detected
CallMeBot Phone Call
Stop the current program on Oven if a smoke alarm is detected
VeeZy Oven
Turn off Home Connect devices if a smoke alarm is detected
iHaus smoke detector
Add a Google Calendar entry if a smoke alarm is detected
iHaus smoke detector
Change your LIFX light to red if a smoke alarm is detected
iHaus smoke detector
Blink your Philips Hue lights if a smoke alarm is detected
iHaus smoke detector
Receive an emergency VoIP call if a smoke alarm is detected
iHaus smoke detector
Record a video clip with Wyze if a smoke alarm is detected
iHaus smoke detector
Useful iHaus smoke detector and TRIGGERcmd integrations
Triggers (If this)
Smoke alarm
The trigger fires when your smoke detector detects a smoke alarm.
Any command
This trigger fires when any command runs
Test alarm
The trigger fires when your smoke detector launches a test alarm.
Specific command
This trigger files when a command you choose is triggered.
Heat alarm
The trigger fires when your smoke detector detects a heat alarm.
Queries (With)
History of when smoke detector alarmed
The query returns a list of when your smoke detector detected a smoke alarm.
Actions (Then that)
Trigger Command
This action will run a command on your computer.
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