Connectivity supercharges green energy solutions

By The IFTTT Team

November 26, 2019

Connectivity supercharges green energy solutions
  • Life becomes more connected every day. The apps, services, and devices that populate digital ecosystems are all trending toward maximal levels of communication and compatibility. The total amount of Internet of Things (IoT) devices in operation is projected to reach 75 billion worldwide by 2025 – a fivefold increase in a single decade.

    IFTTT interfaces with every offshoot of this proliferating connectivity. Numerous industries benefit from IFTTT integrations, including providers of green energy solutions – as covered in a recent issue of Residential Tech Today magazine.

    In Residential Tech Today, Jay Basen, a home automation professional, gave IFTTT a great shoutout. Jay described the experience of True Energy, a Danish electricity company. True Energy generate a lot of their energy from wind power. But while wind can be a great source of green energy, it is inherently unpredictable. When the air is calm, production drops, and wind becomes a more expensive source of electricity. When the wind picks up again, the electricity gets cheaper.

    How to deal with these swings in wind power and electricity price? True Energy integrated with IFTTT to empower users to adapt to their energy usage to wind’s natural fluctuations. True Energy consumers can integrate their smart home devices with a real-time information feed so that their dishwasher or clothes washer or dryer will only start when the wind picks up and electricity gets more affordable.

    This allows people to prepare their appliance in the morning, and go out for the day. The appliance will then run at the optimal time and provide the most efficient green energy solution possible. This functionality is made possible by connecting the two services together. The planet benefits, and so does the customer’s wallet. In turn, True Energy provide their customers with a product that is more useful and valuable – translating to increased investment, brand loyalty, and opportunities for cross-sell and up-sell.

    True Energy’s innovative use of IFTTT is mirrored by other energy providers. Griddy leverage IFTTT to automate smart home devices based on the wholesale price of electricity, helping their customers minimize usage, maximize savings, and help the planet in the process. For example, Griddy users can adjust their smart thermostat’s temperature to a low-expenditure range whenever the wholesale price of electricity creeps above a certain threshold.

    Agile Octopus follow a similar logic. Through IFTTT, their users can pounce on savings and receive an email alert when the wholesale price of electricity goes negative. Or they can have their Philips Hue smart bulbs turn red when the energy price rises past a certain pence per kWh.

    The acknowledgement from Residential Tech Today makes for a great read, and offers an insight into one of the many ways IFTTT is helping companies undertake a digital transformation that adapts to rising levels of connectivity.

    IFTTT are doing the same for plenty of other industries and verticals. Check out more IFTTT customer use cases and case studies here.

    Our products have attracted 17 million consumers across 140 countries and served over 90 million activated connections. We’ve helped over 700 global enterprises accelerate the digital transformation of their products into integrated services, dramatically reducing their development costs while driving customer acquisition and retention. We believe everything works better together.