
Google Forms versus Jotform?

By The IFTTT Team

June 20, 2024

Google Forms versus Jotform?
  • Difference between Google Forms versus Jotform

    Google Forms and Jotform are two popular online form and survey tools that offer a wide range of features and options. While both tools serve the same purpose, they differ in terms of key features, pricing structures, user interface, data management, mobile compatibility, advanced features, use cases, and verdict. In this article, we will explore each of these aspects to help you understand the differences between Google Forms and Jotform, and determine which tool is best suited for your needs.

    Spoiler alert; IFTTT can help make both Google Forms and Jotform even better by integrating them with over 1000 services. Learn how to automate your favorite online form and survey tools, click the join now button to get started today.

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    Overview of Google Forms and Jotform features

    Let's start by examining the core features of both Google Forms and Jotform. Google Forms is a part of the Google Workspace suite, offering a seamless integration with other Google productivity tools. It provides a straightforward interface for creating and managing forms. On the other hand, Jotform is a standalone form builder that offers a wide range of advanced features such as conditional logic, payment integration, and custom branding options.

    In terms of basic features, both platforms offer the ability to create various types of questions including multiple choice, short answer, and dropdown menus. Additionally, both Google Forms and Jotform allow users to customize the theme and layout of their forms. However, Jotform takes customization a step further by offering advanced design options and the ability to add custom CSS.

    When it comes to collaboration and sharing options, Google Forms shines with its seamless integration with Google Drive, allowing users to easily store form responses and collaborate with team members in real-time. On the other hand, Jotform offers robust sharing capabilities, enabling users to embed forms on websites, share them via email, or even collect responses offline using the Jotform Mobile Forms app.

    Moreover, Jotform stands out with its extensive collection of over 10,000 form templates across various industries, making it easy for users to kickstart their form creation process with pre-designed templates tailored to their specific needs. This vast template library covers everything from event registration and customer feedback to job applications and online payments, providing users with a wide array of options to choose from.

    Pricing comparison: Google Forms vs Jotform

    Price is a significant factor to consider when choosing an online form builder. Google Forms is completely free to use, making it an attractive option for small businesses and individuals on a budget. However, if you require more advanced features or additional storage space, you may need to upgrade to a paid Google Workspace plan.

    On the other hand, Jotform offers both free and paid plans. The free plan provides limited features and imposes certain restrictions, such as the number of form submissions and storage space. To access advanced features and remove these limitations, users can opt for Jotform's paid plans, which are priced at various levels to accommodate different business needs.

    Customization options in Google Forms and Jotform

    Customization plays a crucial role in creating forms that align with your brand identity. Both Google Forms and Jotform offer options for customizing the appearance of your forms. With Google Forms, you can choose from a range of pre-designed templates or customize the colors and fonts to match your brand.

    Jotform, on the other hand, excels in customization options, allowing users to create forms that truly reflect their brand. The platform offers a vast library of professionally designed templates and the ability to add custom CSS. This level of customization helps businesses create visually appealing forms that engage users and maintain a consistent brand image.

    Data Security and Privacy: A comparison

    Data security and privacy are paramount when collecting sensitive information. Both Google Forms and Jotform take data protection seriously, employing industry-standard encryption measures to secure user data. However, there are some differences in how the two platforms handle data. Google Forms stores data on secure Google servers, ensuring protection against unauthorized access. The platform also offers features like reCAPTCHA to prevent spam submissions. Jotform, on the other hand, allows users to store their data on either Jotform's secure servers or their own servers, providing flexibility and control over data storage.

    Integrations with other Platforms: Google Forms vs Jotform

    Seamless integration with other platforms is crucial when it comes to automating workflows and reducing manual data entry. Google Forms, being a part of the Google Workspace suite, integrates with other Google tools such as Google Sheets and Google Drive, making it easy to store and analyze form data. Integration platform's like IFTTT can also offer 1000+ integrations.

    Jotform, on the other hand, offers a wide range of integrations with popular third-party platforms such as Salesforce, Mailchimp, and PayPal. Jotform is also integrated with IFTTT. These integrations allow businesses to streamline data collection and automate tasks, significantly enhancing productivity.

    User-Friendliness: Which platform is easier to use?

    When it comes to user-friendliness, Google Forms shines with its simple and intuitive interface. The platform offers a drag-and-drop form builder, making it easy for users with little to no technical knowledge to create forms.

    Jotform, although more feature-rich, may have a steeper learning curve for beginners. However, once users become familiar with the platform, they can take advantage of the advanced features that Jotform offers, such as conditional logic and multi-page forms.

    Advanced features showdown: Google Forms vs Jotform

    While Google Forms provides essential features for creating standard forms, Jotform offers a wide range of advanced features that cater to more complex requirements. Some standout features of Jotform include conditional logic, which allows form fields to dynamically change based on user input, and the ability to accept payments directly within your forms. Moreover, Jotform also offers robust reporting and analytics tools, making it easier to analyze the data collected through forms. These advanced features make Jotform a preferred choice for businesses that require more sophisticated form functionalities.

    Templates and design options in Google Forms and Jotform

    When it comes to templates and design options, both Google Forms and Jotform offer a variety of choices. Google Forms provides a selection of pre-designed templates that cover various use cases, allowing users to quickly create professional-looking forms.

    Jotform takes template options a step further, offering a vast library of professionally designed templates that cover a wide range of industries and use cases. Additionally, Jotform allows users to customize templates extensively to align with their brand identity, ensuring visually appealing and personalized forms.

    Integration with IFTTT

    One last aspect worth mentioning is the integration of Google Forms and Jotform with IFTTT (If This Then That). Both platforms offer integration with IFTTT, allowing users to automate certain actions based on triggers and queries.

    Making the decision: Choosing between Google Forms and Jotform

    Choosing the right form builder ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. If you prioritize simplicity, a seamless integration with other Google tools, and a tight budget, Google Forms may be the ideal choice for you.

    On the other hand, if you require advanced features, extensive customization options, and integration with third-party platforms, Jotform could be the better fit. Although Jotform comes at an additional cost, it offers a more robust set of tools that can significantly enhance your form-building process and overall data collection strategy.

    Overall, both Google Forms and Jotform provide powerful solutions for creating online forms. The decision ultimately comes down to your specific requirements, budget, and level of customization and integration needed. By carefully evaluating your needs and comparing the features of each platform, you can make an informed decision that will enable you to leverage the full potential of online form builders.

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    Check out some simple Google Forms and Jotform automations below:

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