
Bard vs ChatGPT; Which is the better AI chatbot?

By The IFTTT Team

February 16, 2024

Bard vs ChatGPT; Which is the better AI chatbot?
  • When discussing the topic of AI chatbots, two names that often come up are Bard and ChatGPT. Both are popular chatbot platforms that use artificial intelligence to interact with users in natural language. Each tool hosts its own unique features and capabilities and can complete complex feats beyond imagination.

    But which one is the better AI chatbot to use for personal projects, small business, or educational tasks? In this article, we will compare both chatbots to determine which one reigns supreme. To wrap up, we'll introduce IFTTT, our automation platform that hosts a plethora of free AI tools for you to try.

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    Why use an AI chatbot?

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    AI chatbots, including household names such as ChatGPT, have taken the world by storm since their introduction. By taking advantage of machine learning, or the process in which AI adapts to its environment over time, chatbots become smarter and more efficient with each use. In simpler terms, the more you converse with an AI chatbot, the better it becomes at understanding your needs.

    But why use an AI chatbot in the first place? Well, for starters, they are a great way to engage users in conversation or questioning without requiring human intervention. This saves time, resources, and effort for businesses and individuals alike. Additionally, AI chatbots can handle multiple conversations simultaneously without getting overwhelmed or needing a break.

    AI chatbots are a valuable tool for businesses due to their ability to provide 24/7 customer service, offering immediate responses to consumer queries. They help save costs by automating repetitive tasks and reducing the need for large customer service teams. Beyond just answering questions, AI chatbots can gather crucial data from customer interactions, providing insights into customer behavior and preferences that can enhance product or service development.

    Furthermore, chatbots can easily scale with business growth, handling increased customer interaction without additional resources. They also minimize human error, as they adhere to programmed scripts. However, it's important to remember that while AI chatbots are highly beneficial, they should complement, not replace, human agents, as some situations require a more personal touch.

    What is Bard?


    Google Bard is an experimental, conversational AI chat service developed by Google with a bright future. It's designed to function similarly to OpenAI's popular ChatGPT bot. This tool is powered by LaMDA, Google's in-house language model for dialogue applications.

    Bard's main functionality is to assist in brainstorming ideas, sparking creativity, and accelerating productivity. The system is capable of understanding and generating human-like text based on the input it receives, making it a versatile tool for various tasks.

    Beyond simple conversation, Bard has been integrated with several of Google's apps and services. For example, it can connect with Google Flights, Google Hotels, Google Maps, YouTube, and Google Workspace. This integration provides users with a seamless experience when using these services, as they can utilize Bard's AI capabilities directly within these platforms.

    Notable features and benefits:

    Integration with Google Services: Bard's ability to connect with various Google Apps and services allows users to leverage its capabilities across multiple platforms.

    Brainstorming and creativity: Bard can be used to brainstorm ideas and spark creativity, potentially improving productivity.

    Conversational AI: Powered by LaMDA, Bard can understand and generate human-like text, allowing for more natural interactions.

    However, it's worth noting that there have been questions raised about the usefulness of Bard, even from insiders at Google. As of now, the chatbot is still in the testing phases, so we will have to wait to see if Bard is truly revolutionary or just another GPT clone.

    What is ChatGPT?


    Perhaps the more famous of the two, ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI. It's designed to generate human-like text based on the input it receives. The "GPT" in ChatGPT stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer, which refers to the machine learning architecture upon which the model is based.

    Functionality and uses:

    ChatGPT is primarily used as a conversational agent. It's capable of creating detailed and nuanced responses to a variety of prompts, making it useful in a wide range of applications.

    In the education sector, ChatGPT has been used as a tutoring tool, guiding students through complex topics and answering their questions with remarkable precision. For content creators and writers, it can serve as a brainstorming partner, generating ideas and even draft content. It's also found its place in gaming, acting as an NPC, or non-player character, in video games, adding depth and immersive dialogues to the gaming world.

    ChatGPT can engage in detailed, nuanced conversations, making it ideal for customer service and user engagement. From blog posts to social media updates, ChatGPT can also generate unique content in a variety of formats. ChatGPT can also be a valuable tool for tutoring in a range of subjects, offering explanations and answers to student queries.

    Key features and advantages:

    Scalability: As an AI, ChatGPT can handle a much larger volume of conversations than a human could.

    Availability: ChatGPT can provide 24/7 service, unlike human operators who need breaks and time off.

    Learning ability: With each conversation, ChatGPT continues to learn and improve its responses.

    Cost-effectiveness: While there is an initial investment required, over time, using an AI like ChatGPT can be more cost-effective than employing human operators.

    Customizability: ChatGPT can be fine-tuned to suit specific business needs, ensuring a high level of relevance and accuracy in its responses.

    Please note that while ChatGPT has many advantages, it's not without limitations. For example, it can sometimes generate incorrect or nonsensical responses, known as "hallucinations," and it lacks the ability to understand context in the same way a human can.

    Comparing Bard and ChatGPT: Interface and user experience



    Bard: Bard's interface is designed to be simple and straightforward. Users input their prompts and the AI generates the text. It's clean, intuitive, and easy to navigate.

    ChatGPT: Like Bard, ChatGPT also has a very modern and user-friendly interface. Users type in their prompts into a chat-like interface, and the model generates responses in real-time. You can continue your requests or conversation by typing into the prompt bar over and over again.

    User Experience:

    Bard: Early user reviews suggest that Bard offers a smooth and efficient user experience. It's praised for its ability to generate creative content and stories. However, some users have mentioned that it sometimes produces irrelevant or inconsistent responses.

    ChatGPT: ChatGPT generally receives positive reviews for its conversational abilities and wide range of applications. Users appreciate its versatility in generating different types of content. As with Bard, some users have noted that ChatGPT can sometimes produce responses that are off-topic or nonsensical.

    Bard and ChatGPT pricing overview

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    Thankfully, both ChatGPT and Google Bard offer free versions of their AI chatbots.

    ChatGPT offers a basic version that is free with a limit of 100 questions per day. For users who need more, they offer ChatGPT Plus for $20 per month. This premium plan provides access during peak times and more advanced features, including the option to use GPT-4 on your own projects.

    On the other hand, Google Bard is also free and requires users to sign up for a Google account to access the chatbot. However, it appears that unlike ChatGPT, Bard does not offer a premium subscription with additional features.

    To sum up, both Bard and ChatGPT are effectively free for the casual user. If you find yourself asking over 100 questions per day, or want to use the GPT-4 engine for business use, then it is worthwhile to upgrade to ChatGPT's premium plan.

    So, which Chatbot is better?

    Both Bard and ChatGPT have their strengths and weaknesses. It ultimately depends on the specific needs of each user.

    However, for businesses or individuals looking for a more versatile conversational AI, ChatGPT may be the ideal option. Its broad range of capabilities makes it suitable for various applications, including customer service, content generation, and tutoring. If you are looking for your very first chatbot, then ChatGPT should be your choice.

    Conversely, for creative writers, Bard may be the better choice due to its focus on storytelling and dialogue generation. Its language style customization options also make it a preferable option for those looking to add creative flair to their writing. Keep in mind that Bard is still in the experimental stages, and the quality of its work can improve over the next years.

    Free AI Tools with IFTTT

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    If neither ChatGPT or Bard pique your interest, then there is a third option; IFTTT's AI tools.

    IFTTT stands for "If This, Then That," and our platform allows users to connect over 800 different apps and devices using simple statements called applets. For example, you could set up an applet that automatically saves any Gmail attachments to your Google Drive.

    Our newly released AI tools are designed to help users automate repetitive tasks, research and optimize workflows, and more. The best thing about our AI tools is that they're entirely free to use with your IFTTT account.

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