We have compiled a list of our most popular and trending Applets that you can enable yourself or use as inspiration to create your own.
This list features Applets from Alexa, Google, Weather Underground, YouTube, Spotify, and more.
Get the weather forecast every day at 7:00 AM
Add songs from videos you like to a Spotify playlist
Save your new Instagram photos to Dropbox
Update your Android wallpaper with NASA's image of the day
Text your lost Android phone to turn the ringer volume up 100%
Track your work hours in Google Calendar
Instagram to Linkedin
Automatically share new songs you like on Soundcloud to Tumblr
New tweet by specific user sends Discord message
RSS to Buffer URL Only
Sync all your new iOS Contacts to a Google Spreadsheet
Twitter to Buffer
Send SMS when arriving or leaving a location
A reminder to drink water
Save new photos you're tagged in on Facebook to Dropbox
Get an email when there's breaking NASA news
Turn on/off your lights with one tap on your phone
Subscribe to a weekly status report from the International Space Station
Receive a weekly email summary of your Fitbit activity
Back up photos you're tagged in on Facebook to an iOS Photos album
Automatically tweet updates from Pew Research
Tweet your Instagrams as native photos on Twitter
Rain tomorrow? Get a mobile notification
Start Roomba® with the press of a button
Automatically turn your lights on at sunset
Forward Android SMS to iPhone
Automatically post on Twitter when you start streaming on Twitch
Automatically create a Discover Weekly archive
Log the exchange rate every day