
Welcome to Pro+

By The IFTTT Team

May 09, 2024

Welcome to Pro+
  • This guide was designed to help you get the most out of all the features Pro+ has to offer. Let's get started.

    What is IFTTT?

    IFTTT, which is short for If This Then That, is the easiest way to do more with hundreds of the apps and devices you love, including Twitter, Dropbox, Evernote, iRobot, Fitbit, and Google Assistant.

    On IFTTT, we call these services. We help you connect services together in remarkable new ways with Applets.

    Words to know

    We use some words that you may not be familiar with yet, so here’s a quick run down to get you started. For more, read our full Glossary.


    Applets are automations that connect two or more services to create a new experience. For example, an Applet can turn up your heat if the weather drops below a certain temperature. Or create events in your iPhone Calendar, via Google Assistant. You can enable any published Applet that you see on the Explore page or in blogs.

    Triggers, actions, and queries

    These are the building blocks of an Applet, each one plays an important role in the automation. Each service has unique triggers, queries, and actions that allow you to build different Applets. From the Explore or Services page, search for a service, device, or app you want to use. By selecting the Details tab, you can take a look at the available triggers, queries, and actions for that service before you connect.



    Ingredients are part of the triggers and actions, little individual pieces of information. A user will take these ingredients and use them to fill in fields.

    Pro+ features

    Unlimited Applets

    That’s right, you can create, edit, publish, and enable unlimited Applets. Choose from the thousands of published Applets that have been created by users and services, or create your own by combining your favorite services.

    Applets are automations you create — things your services and devices can't do on their own. For example, an Applet can sync your ToDoist to-dos with your Google Calendar. Or send a message on Discord every time you begin a stream on Twitch.

    For example, here are some of our most popular Applets.

  • Multi-action Applets

    IFTTT can also be If this then that and that and that other thing, too. After creating the first action, you will see a plus sign that gives you the option to add additional actions.

    Add up to five of the same action, or unlimited other actions from other services.

    Group 1383

    Filter code and queries

    Regular Applets have a very straightforward logic to them - when a trigger fires for a new event, an action is always run. But what if you want to have more say in when or how exactly this happens?

    Filter code gives you control over Applet logic. Filter code is a bit of JavaScript code that runs after a trigger fires that can skip an action (or multiple actions) or change the values of the fields that the action will run with. For more detailed instructions on building with filter code, check out this Help guide.

    Pro+ Queries

    Multiple connections per service

    This new feature gives users the ability to connect and manage multiple accounts for certain services.

    View, edit, and add accounts by going to the Settings page for the service. When creating an Applet via the DIY creator, users can select which account they want to associate with the Applet.

    Non authenticated services like RSS Feeds, location, and weather can not have multiple accounts associated with them because they do not require a login or associated account.


    Create your first Pro+ Applet!👇


    Tutorials and resources

    Your first Pro+ Applet is just the start! Check out these videos and articles to learn how to get the most out of IFTTT.

    How to tutorial videos
