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Latest news This trigger fires every time there is news released by the Library of Congress.
Today in history This trigger fires every time there is a new "Today in history" post from the Library of Congress.
New blog post This trigger fires every time there is a new blog post released by the Library of Congress.
Picture This: Library of Congress Prints This trigger fires every time there's a new highlight from the Library of Congress print collections as well as peeks behind-the-scenes in the Prints Photographs Division.
History of news This query returns a list of of news released by the Library of Congress.
History of blog posts This query returns a list of recent blog posts released by the Library of Congress.
History of today in history This query returns a list of when there was a new "Today in history" post from the Library of Congress.
History of new Picture This: Library of Congress Prints This query returns a list of new highlights from the Library of Congress print collections as well as peeks behind-the-scenes in the Prints Photographs Division.