If New feed item from https://www.icloudice.com/atom.xml, then Create a new post
Popular Sendie workflows & automations
if new post by you, then post a tweet
If a new post by you, then add a row in Google Sheet
When a new post to room, send a notification on my IFTTT app
When a new post to room, send an email
When I add a new todoist item, then create a new post
When a new todoist item is added, then create a post to room
When a new post by you, create a link post on Facebook Pages
If a new post by you, create a link post on Facebook Pages
If a new link post by you on Facebook, then create a new post on Sendie
When a new post by a specific user on twitter, then create a post on Sendie
If a new post by you with a specific hashtag on twitter, then create a new post to room in Sendie
If a new post by Duct Tape Marketing, then create a new post in room