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Popular Stockimo workflows & automations
Upload mobile photos from Flickr to Stockimo and you could be paid for your images
New Instagram tagged #stockimo photo gets sent to your Stockimo upload queue.
Upload to Instagram then send to Stockimo!
Great news! You've made a sale! Get a notification so you can start celebrating.
Your image has been accepted, get a notification!
Take a photo, send it to your Stockimo upload queue
Upload your accepted Stockimo photos to your Facebook Page
You've had a photo accepted to Stockimo, get an email to let you know.
Get a Gmail email when Stockimo sends you a payment
It's bad news I'm afraid
Stockimo Photos Sold Spreadsheet
Send me a notification if my Stockimo image submission is rejected.
Backup Stockimo photos to Dropbox
Stockimo Accepted Photos Log
Upload photos from iOS album to Stockimo
Stockimo Rejected Photos Log
Tweet if my picture was accepted by Stockimo
Send a notification when I've been sent a payment
Stockimo Submission Backup
Stockimo Submission Log
Any new photo uploaded by you This Trigger fires every time you upload a photo to Stockimo.
Any live news photo uploaded by you This Trigger fires every time you upload a live news photo to Stockimo.
New photo by you is accepted This Trigger fires every time a photo uploaded by you is accepted by Stockimo.
New photo by you is rejected This Trigger fires every time a photo uploaded by you is rejected by Stockimo.
New photo by you is sold This Trigger fires every time a photo uploaded by you is sold on Stockimo.
Payment is credited to you This Trigger fires every time a new payment is credited to you on Stockimo
History of photos by you rejected This query returns a list of every time a photo uploaded by you is rejected by Stockimo.
History of live news photos uploaded by you This query returns a list of every time you upload a live news photo to Stockimo.
History of photos by you accepted This query returns a list of every time a photo uploaded by you is accepted by Stockimo.
History of photos uploaded by you This query returns a list of every time you upload a photo to Stockimo.
History of photos by you sold This query returns a list of every time a photo uploaded by you is sold on Stockimo.