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Popular Warmup Smart Thermostat workflows & automations
Tell Alexa to set your heating to __°
Alexa, turn the heating off
Let me know when the temperature is lower than __°
Let me know when the temperature is higher than __°
Every day at __:__ turn thermostat off
Every day at __:__ set my temperature to __°
Change my temperature when I arrive at work
Turn my lights off when I am away from home
Make my home feel more cosy when my heating is on
Turn my lights off when I go to Sleep
Make my home cosy when it is raining outside
Automatically schedule your heating and lights with your party plans
Set thermostat back to its previous state when I leave work
Connect your WarmUp thermostat to SmartHours pricing
Warmup and IRSAP NOW valves
Temperature rises above This trigger fires every time the temperature rises above a specified temperature
Temperature drops below This trigger fires every time the temperature drops below a specified temperature
Away when scheduled to be Home This trigger fires when you are scheduled to be Home but nobody is in the house. NOTE: SmartGeo™ needs to be Active
Home when scheduled to be Home This trigger fires when you are scheduled to be Home and somebody is at Home. NOTE: SmartGeo™ needs to be Active
Home when scheduled to be in Sleep mode This trigger fires when you are scheduled to be in Sleep mode and somebody is at home. NOTE: SmartGeo™ needs to be Active
Away when scheduled to be in Sleep mode This trigger fires when you are scheduled to be in Sleep mode but nobody is in the house. NOTE: SmartGeo™ needs to be Active
Home when scheduled to be Away This trigger fires when you are scheduled to be Away but somebody is at home. NOTE: SmartGeo™ needs to be Active
Away when scheduled to be Away This trigger fires when you are scheduled to be Away and nobody is in the house. NOTE: SmartGeo™ needs to be Active
History of when Sleep mode was scheduled and someone was home This query returns a list of when you are scheduled to be in Sleep mode and somebody was at home. NOTE: SmartGeo™ needs to be Active
History of home when scheduled to be Away This query returns a list of when you are scheduled to be Away but somebody was at home.
History of temperature rising above This query returns a list of when the temperature rose above a specified temperature. Note: this query will only return future events after this Applet is created.