This query returns a list of when an incident was detected by Angelcam.
Developer info
- API endpoint slug
- angelcam.history_of_when_an_incident_was_detected
- Runtime method
- performQuery("angelcam.history_of_when_an_incident_was_detected"}
Query fields
No fields for this query
Created at Date and time event was created.
- Slug
- created_at
- Filter code
- Angelcam.historyOfWhenAnIncidentWasDetected.CreatedAt
- Type
- Date with time (ISO8601)
- Example
- 2020-07-08T04:17:06+05:00
User name Full name of the user that is affected by the incident (usually it is you)
- Slug
- user_name
- Filter code
- Angelcam.historyOfWhenAnIncidentWasDetected.UserName
- Type
- String
- Example
- Jane Doe
Sensor name Name of the sensor that sent event which triggered the incident.
- Slug
- sensor_name
- Filter code
- Angelcam.historyOfWhenAnIncidentWasDetected.SensorName
- Type
- String
- Example
- Kitchen smoke detector
Category Event category that triggered Incident.
- Slug
- category
- Filter code
- Angelcam.historyOfWhenAnIncidentWasDetected.Category
- Type
- String
- Example
- Smoke detected
Action url Link that opens Angelcam application and allows to verify what's happening.
- Slug
- action_url
- Filter code
- Angelcam.historyOfWhenAnIncidentWasDetected.ActionUrl
- Type
- String
- Example