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Home Connect Dryer
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Other popular Pixoo-64 workflows and automations
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Muslim Prayer Time
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Useful Pixoo-64 and Home Connect Dryer integrations
Triggers (If this)
Cycle starts
This trigger fires every time your dryer cycle starts.
Alarm set off
This trigger fires when a alarm is started on pixoo-64.
Cycle is complete
This trigger fires every time your dryer cycle is complete. This requires both the drying and wrinkle guard to be finished, in case you were using wrinkle guard.
Countdown meter ended
The down clock is finished on pixoo-64.
Door opened
This trigger fires every time your dryer door has been opened (works only if the dryer is turned on).
Celebrations alert set off
Memorial start on pixoo-64.
Door closed
This trigger fires every time your dryer door has been closed (works only if the dryer is turned on).
Celebrations alert stopped
This trigger fires when memorial stop on pixoo-64.
Condensate container is full
This trigger fires every time the condensate container is full.
Planner alert set off
This trigger fires when schedule time start on pixoo-64.
Lint filter is full
This trigger fires every time the lint filter is full.
Planner alert stopped
This trigger fires when schedule time stop on pixoo-64.
Drying process finished
This trigger fires every time the drying process of your dryer is finished.
Queries (With)
History of Cycle completed events
This query returns a list of events when your dryer completed a cycle.
pixoo-64 information
This query returns device name.
History of lint filter is full
This query returns a list of when the lint filter was full.
History of door closed
This query returns a list of when your dryer door was been closed (works only if the dryer was turned on).
History of condensate container is full
This query returns a list of when the condensate container was full.
Actions (Then that)
Start countdown meter
This action will start down clock on pixoo-64.
Start automatic program
This action will start the selected automatic program with your preferred settings.
Start stopwatch
This action will start timer on pixoo-64.
Start time program
This action will start the selected time program with your preferred duration.
Turn on screen
This action will open screen on device.
Start selected program
This action will start the dryer program selected on the appliance.
Turn off screen
This action will close screen on device.
Stop program
This action will stop the active dryer program.
Play cloud channel
This action will play cloud channel on Pixoo-64.
Pause program
This action will pause the active dryer program.
Play custom channel
This action will play custom channel on pixoo-64.
Resume program
This action will resume the paused dryer program.
Play animation
This action will play gif on Pixoo-64.
Turn off dryer
This action will turn off your dryer.
Display message
This action will display message on device.
Select Connected Dry program recommendation
This action will select the program recommended by intelligentDry/Smart Dry with your preferred settings.
Switch clock interface
This action will choose clock on Pixoo-64.
Display Amazon Music
This action is associated with Amazon Music and triggers the display of play information when Amazon music is played.
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