If New message to @IFTTT with '$', then Post a tweet to @Aximo219677
Start today
Queries (With)
Other popular AI Prompt workflows and automations
Investor Insights to Twitter
Automatically tweet AI-tailored Instagram post to Twitter
Daily Teams update
Create a Calendar event a save booking information to a Google Doc
If Every day at 12:15 AM, then Send a notification from the IFTTT app
IFTTT Travel Concierge 🤖
Whenever I write a note widget, generate 10 YouTube title ideas and add them to a Google Doc
A little bit of recognition!
Useful AI Prompt and AT&T M2X integrations
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
History of trigger fired
This query returns a list of when a M2X trigger has been fired.
This query will accept any prompt.
History of device locations
This query returns a list of every time the location of a device is updated.
History of datapoints
This query returns a list of every time a new datapoint is written to a device.

History of trigger fired
This query returns a list of when a M2X trigger has been fired.

This query will accept any prompt.

History of device locations
This query returns a list of every time the location of a device is updated.

History of datapoints
This query returns a list of every time a new datapoint is written to a device.
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together