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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular AT&T M2X workflows and automations
Receive an SMS whenever an M2X Device's Location is updated
Receive an SMS whenever an M2X Device Trigger fires
Send a command to an M2X Device
Receive an email whenever an M2X Device's Trigger is fired
Useful AT&T M2X and Dawn House AUS integrations
Triggers (If this)
New device location
This Trigger fires every time the location of a device is updated.
When the smart bed alarm clock is activated
This trigger fires when your smart bed alarm clock is activated
New datapoint
This Trigger fires every time a new datapoint is written to a device.
Trigger fired
This Trigger fires every time a M2X trigger has been fired.

New device location
This Trigger fires every time the location of a device is updated.

When the smart bed alarm clock is activated
This trigger fires when your smart bed alarm clock is activated

New datapoint
This Trigger fires every time a new datapoint is written to a device.

Trigger fired
This Trigger fires every time a M2X trigger has been fired.
Queries (With)
History of trigger fired
This query returns a list of when a M2X trigger has been fired.
Query the current status of the device
History of device locations
This query returns a list of every time the location of a device is updated.
History of datapoints
This query returns a list of every time a new datapoint is written to a device.

History of trigger fired
This query returns a list of when a M2X trigger has been fired.

Query the current status of the device

History of device locations
This query returns a list of every time the location of a device is updated.

History of datapoints
This query returns a list of every time a new datapoint is written to a device.
Actions (Then that)
Zero G
Adjust the bed to the Zero G position
Write datapoint
This Action will write a new datapoint to a specific device.
Adjust the bed to the flat position
Update device location
This Action will update the location of a specific device.
Adjust the bed to the read position
Send command to device
This Action will send a command to a specific device.
Adjust the bed to the snore position

Zero G
Adjust the bed to the Zero G position

Write datapoint
This Action will write a new datapoint to a specific device.

Adjust the bed to the flat position

Update device location
This Action will update the location of a specific device.

Adjust the bed to the read position

Send command to device
This Action will send a command to a specific device.

Adjust the bed to the snore position
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