This is me...
Start today
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Other popular AT&T M2X workflows and automations
Send a command to an M2X Device
Send a command data each day at a specified time
Receive an SMS whenever an M2X Device's Location is updated
Create a Jira issue for each new datapoint
Receive an SMS whenever an M2X Device Trigger fires
Record data for new datapoints
Record data for each time a trigger is fired
Create a Google Task for every new datapoint
Useful AT&T M2X and MESH integrations
Triggers (If this)
New device location
This Trigger fires every time the location of a device is updated.
Event from MESH app received
This Trigger fires every time your IFTTT Tag on MESH app receives an input signal from the other Tag.
New datapoint
This Trigger fires every time a new datapoint is written to a device.
Trigger fired
This Trigger fires every time a M2X trigger has been fired.

New device location
This Trigger fires every time the location of a device is updated.

Event from MESH app received
This Trigger fires every time your IFTTT Tag on MESH app receives an input signal from the other Tag.

New datapoint
This Trigger fires every time a new datapoint is written to a device.

Trigger fired
This Trigger fires every time a M2X trigger has been fired.
Queries (With)
History of trigger fired
This query returns a list of when a M2X trigger has been fired.
History of events from MESH app
This query returns a list of times when your IFTTT Tag on MESH app receives an input signal from the other Tag.
History of device locations
This query returns a list of every time the location of a device is updated.
History of datapoints
This query returns a list of every time a new datapoint is written to a device.

History of trigger fired
This query returns a list of when a M2X trigger has been fired.

History of events from MESH app
This query returns a list of times when your IFTTT Tag on MESH app receives an input signal from the other Tag.

History of device locations
This query returns a list of every time the location of a device is updated.

History of datapoints
This query returns a list of every time a new datapoint is written to a device.
Actions (Then that)
Write datapoint
This Action will write a new datapoint to a specific device.
Send an event to MESH app
This Action will send an event to MESH app.
Update device location
This Action will update the location of a specific device.
Send command to device
This Action will send a command to a specific device.

Write datapoint
This Action will write a new datapoint to a specific device.

Send an event to MESH app
This Action will send an event to MESH app.

Update device location
This Action will update the location of a specific device.

Send command to device
This Action will send a command to a specific device.
IFTTT helps all your apps and devices work better together