[[BASKET^BALL]]Cleveland Cavaliers vs Atlanta Hawks Live
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Useful Ballotpedia and Switchur App integrations
Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
Actions (Then that)
Update a Switchboard Switch
Use this action to turn on, turn off, or toggle a Switchboard Switch.
Update a Switchboard Counter
Use this action to set, increment, or decrement a Switchboard Counter.
Update a Switchboard Keyword
Use this action to assign a word or short sentence to a Switchboard Keyword.

Update a Switchboard Switch
Use this action to turn on, turn off, or toggle a Switchboard Switch.

Update a Switchboard Counter
Use this action to set, increment, or decrement a Switchboard Counter.

Update a Switchboard Keyword
Use this action to assign a word or short sentence to a Switchboard Keyword.
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