Add to iOS calendar when there's a new train update
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Triggers (If this)
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Triggers (If this)
A new item added to list
This trigger fires when a new item added to list
New update
This trigger fires when there's a new update from Caltrain.
A list item is deleted
This trigger fires when an item is deleted on a list
A list item is done
This trigger fires when an item is marked done on a list
Checkpad button pressed
This trigger fires when a Checkpad button is pressed

A new item added to list
This trigger fires when a new item added to list

New update
This trigger fires when there's a new update from Caltrain.

A list item is deleted
This trigger fires when an item is deleted on a list

A list item is done
This trigger fires when an item is marked done on a list

Checkpad button pressed
This trigger fires when a Checkpad button is pressed
Queries (With)
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