Add to iOS calendar when there's a new train update
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Triggers (If this)
Queries (With)
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Useful Caltrain and Total Connect 2.0 integrations
Triggers (If this)
Total Connect security panel arming mode has changed
This trigger fires when my Total Connect security panel has been armed or disarmed.
New update
This trigger fires when there's a new update from Caltrain.
Total Connect security panel alarm detected
This trigger fires when my Total Connect security panel receives an alarm

Total Connect security panel arming mode has changed
This trigger fires when my Total Connect security panel has been armed or disarmed.

New update
This trigger fires when there's a new update from Caltrain.

Total Connect security panel alarm detected
This trigger fires when my Total Connect security panel receives an alarm
Queries (With)
History of Total Connect security panel alarm detections
This query returns a list of when my Total Connect security panel received an alarm
History of updates
This query returns a list of updates from Caltrain.
History of Total Connect security panel arming mode has changed
This query returns a list of when my Total Connect security panel was been armed or disarmed.

History of Total Connect security panel alarm detections
This query returns a list of when my Total Connect security panel received an alarm

History of updates
This query returns a list of updates from Caltrain.

History of Total Connect security panel arming mode has changed
This query returns a list of when my Total Connect security panel was been armed or disarmed.
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